chapter nine - late night drinks

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The next few weeks before Christmas felt numb, like whatever I tried to do to cheer myself up wasn't enough. I needed him but couldn't have him.

Not after what he did to me.

He still tried talking to me after that night in our dorm but I couldn't bring myself to say two words to him, everytime I felt I could walk over and try to talk to him my mouth would dry up and all the feelings came flooding back. It was hopeless. And to make it all worse?

I'm spending christmas at The Burrow.

It was already talked about and planned from when I was dating him as my parents are never around and I obviously don't want to be around my Father, but Ginny still insisted I came instead of staying at school over the break.

'C'mon Y/N, if you won't come for him, please still come for the rest of us.' she whined as her and the twins tried convincing me at lunch.

'Exactly, plus Harry and Mione are staying aswell so it just wouldn't feel right without you darling.' Fred added.

'Fine, I'll come, only for you guys, not him.' I replied, shortly after I saw Ron enter the hall, his eyes locking with mine.

As him and Harry walked over I excused myself from the table, not wanting any confrontation.

'Where are you going?' I heard a familiar voice say.

'I- Er,' there is was again, the stutter, 'I er, h-have to go to the...library?' I stammered hastily before turning to walk away, but feeling a grip pull me back.

'Please Y/N, what do I have to do to get you to talk to me.'

'N-nothing, it's done' I replied with a heavy heart, 'Besides, I'm still staying at yours over Christmas, that's what the guys were talking to me about.'

'Oh?' he smiled.

'Yes.' I bluntly spoke, 'N-now excuse me I, er, need to go.'

'I will get you back Y/N, I promise.'

'I highly doubt that.' At this point all the memories were filling my head and I couldn't see any way for him to make this up to me or reason with me, but him saying that still made the long lost butterflies errupt in my stomach. I walked away, a million thoughts rushing through my head.

Ron's POV

I need to explain to her what actually happened but she still wouldn't talk to me. Of course, I don't blame her but it still annoyed me as I can explain everything.

'Hi guys.'

'Hi' 'Hey' they all let out various grumbles, greeting me. I knew they all were pissed with me and again, I don't blame them, I could tell even Harry was a little. I sat there at lunch just thinking about everything and how it's all so fucked up, how I fucked up.

I miss her.

I miss her so much, my heart hurts, but I know what I need to do.


~timeskip to the first day at The Burrow for the Christmas holidays~

Me and Hermione were staying in Ginny's room like normal and Harry in Ron's. I kept trying to ignore the fact that I have to stay in the same house as Ron for the next 2 and a half weeks and try to look forward to spending time with my favourite people.

As I was finishing unpacking I heard a knock at the door and the creaking of it opening.

'Hiya deary, only me just trying to find some towels.' Molly spoke with a warm smile on her face.

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