chapter ten - movie night

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When I woke up I was greeted with six worried faces peering over me on a bed. The room was covered in various reds and oranges; I knew straight away where I was.

Ron's room.


All the talking going on around me just made me realise even more how much I must have drunk, my head felt like it was spinning sideways.

'Fuck.' I muttered under my breathe as I began waking and sitting up, catching Ron's concerned eyes.

'Guys..Guys! Will you shut up for one moment!' he snarled at the group after seeing how bad my head was hurting through my facial expressions.

'Holy shit Y/N...' Fred started.

'You've been black out for almost a day!' George finished his scentence.

'You shitting with me right now.' I groaned, sitting up- my arms aching.

'Nope, been like that for ages.' Harry bluntly said, eating a slice of toast and jam. I rolled my eyes at him.

'How do you feel?' Ron quickly said as everyone had seperate conversations.

'Um a little shit but I'll be okay.' I spoke, trying to laugh off the booming pains in my head.

'Okay well I'm going to go downstairs and make that potion that Mione gave you last year after the house cup victory party, I'll bring it up when it's done. Do you need anything?' he asked me quietly.

I shook my head and smiled at him. As he got up I turned to the side to see the rest of the group side staring at us with grins on their faces.

'What?' I shyly said, feeling my cheeks go red.

They brushed of the situation and all started talking again, as they did that I tried to get up and out of bed.

Huge mistake.

My head hurt so much that I fell down almost as quick as I got up. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs, Ron's footsteps.

'Oh my god Y/N!' he rushed over and helped me up, catching the eyes on the group and death staring them.

'Shit sorry N/N!!' Ginny came rushing over also along with Hermione and the twins, Harry still eating his toast but walking over too.

'I, er-' I started 'I think I'm gonna stay in today, is that okay Ron?' I laughed and looked up at him.

'Of course love,' he smiled 'I-I mean Y/N.' he quickly spoke before putting the drink he made for me on the brown bedside table next to me.

'For you.'

'Thank you.' I smiled gently before he and the rest of them left me in the room to get some rest.


~time skip to the evening~

'There she is!' Fred spoke loudly as I came down the stairs, still in my pyjamas but feeling better.

'Our very own sleeping beauty!' George added, causing the group to laugh.

'Oh will you two shut it.' I grinned.

'Never darling.' they spoke in unison, hugging me either side and giving me a kiss on my cheeks before sitting down on the sofa to put a film on.

'Movie night anyone?' George smirked.

'HELL YEAH!' I let out from the corner of the room, I felt weirdly confident for some reason.

As everyone was already seated around the TV, I found myself only having one place to sit.

Right next to Ron.


Oh well, just gotta suck it up.

I walked over and carefully sat down next to him, our legs instantly touching like they did in the Great Hall and those practically antique butterfiles errupted in my stomach. I missed this...and him. He let out a small smile, small enough so that only I could see it in the dark room. The screen light reflecting onto his face made him look oh so handsome.



As the film progressed, my head leaned against his shoulder and his arm was around my waist along the sofa. I didn't care. For the first time in a long time I felt content and happy in the moment.

After an hour or so, I got up to go and get some food from the kitchen as I hadn't eaten much and was starving; and so left the group in the living room to do so. As I made myself a sandwhich with some random fillings in the fridge, smiling to myself, I felt a pressence behind me.



'Can we talk..Y/N.'

'Yes Ron, I think I'm ready to talk now.'

He smiled and took my hand, guiding me upstairs and into his room.

I closed the door behind me, him infront, and as I turned around...

He kissed me.

And I didn't want to pull away.

It was eager and desperate but also so loving and tender at the same time, it was overwhelming. So many emotions were clashing in my head I didn't know what to think or feel.

He slowly pulled away and held the sides of my face in his hands, pressing our foreheads together.

'I don't think I've ever missed someone so much.' he barely whispered.

'Ditto.' I chuckled in a whisper.

'Please Y/N, I'm so sorry, I was under amortentis I didn't know what I was doing I-' he rambled, still whispering, but stopped himself.

'Please forgive me, please still love me as much as I love you.' he finished, a tear rolling down his cheek.

I wiped the tear away and spoke.

'I was mad at you, that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving you.'

He pulled me into a huge embrace and kissed me, spinning me in the air around his room and placing me gently on the floor again.

'Will you please be mine again N/N.'

'Of course I will.' I grinned.


I woke up the next morning already with a big smile on my face. I turned over in my bed and checked the time.

10:30 am.

SHIT! I'm was going into hogsmeade in no less than 10 minutes and I was still lounging in bed.

I shot up and chucked on an outfit, quickly brushed my teeth and hair and rushed down the stairs.

'WHY DID NO ONE WAKE ME!' I exclaimed as I got into the kitchen.

'You looked peaceful!' Ginny laughed 'Plus I didn't think you'd sleep in this late.'

I laughed, rolled my eyes, and hasitly ate some toast before a certain person came around the corner.

'Morning.' Ron spoke in his raspy morning voice, the voice that instanly makes me wet- what! I'm just being honest.

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