chapter three - amazed by you

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The kiss was loving and passionate, like it was a promise of more to come. His hand slid up the back of my head, moving it in sync with him.  After the adrenaline rush died down, he pulled away.

'I-Im sorry Y/N, I couldn't help it I-'

But before he could say any more I pulled him back in, this time with more passion and emotion than the last. My heart was doing back flips. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, sliding my hands through his hair while he pulled me closer by the waist, our stomachs touching. We moved as one together, like we'd been doing this our whole life.

Eventually we both pulled away to catch our breathe, I looked up at him and smiled, as did he. It was everything I could have ever imagined and more, and he wanted it too.


'Ron..' we both spoke at the same time, a little breathless.

'You really are amazing, you know that right,' he quietly spoke, brushing a strand of hair away from my face, 'You don't know how long I've wanted to do that.'

'I'm gonna have to pull an uno reverse on you there Weasley.' I gently chuckled, taking his hand in mine.

'Wanna bet?' he asked, but before I could say anything he took the sides of my face in his hands and pulled me in for one last deep and passionate kiss. The butterflies in my stomach errupted once more as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him back.

'Goodnight Ron,' I spoke after he pulled away and we had walked over to the door, 'I'll see you tomorrow.' I smiled as I walked in the direction of the girls dorms, letting go of his hand. I turned around just before walking around the corner and saw him looking at me in awe.

'Goodnight beautiful.' he grinned, watching me as I walked away.

I practically sunk into bed when I got in, the biggest smile plastered on my face. Hermione and Ginny were asleep so I made a mental note to tell them in the morning. As I quietly got changed into my pyjamas, I replayed what happened in my head, smiling to myself. Soon enough I laid down in bed and eventually fell asleep, my last thought being of my favourite redhead, my Ron Weasley.


The next morning I woke up a lot earlier than normal, probably due to the nervous and excited butterflies I had about seeing Ron again after last night. Since everyone, including Hermione and Ginny, were still asleep, I quietly got dressed and ready for the day, tiptoeing out of the dorm and down to the common room to cram in some last minute studying for the test today. I was the only person in there as it was quite early so I could study in peace.

After around 15 minutes of going over my notes, I felt a pair of strong hands slide around my waist, the smell of cinnamon and firewood making a smile creep onto my face.

'Goodmorning darling,' Ron lazily said, his raspy more voice sending a new wave of butterflies to my stomach, 'I-I mean Y/N, sorry I didn't mean to say that-it just felt right-'

'Goodmorning Ron' I cut him off, smiling. He nuzzled his head into my neck from behind and helped me study. We sat there talking for at least an hour before people started waking up and coming down.

'Morning you two,' Harry yawned as him and Hermione came and sat down with us. After having a quick conversation we all agreed to go get some breakfast as classes started in half and hour.

As we made our way to the Great Hall, me and Ron walking behind Harry and Hermione, Ron placed his arm over my shoulders, pretending he had just yawned and his arm had conveniently fallen onto me. I let out a laugh, causing Harry and Hermione to turn around. Ron quickly moving his arm away and laughing with me, we both gave the two a confused look, a 'what nothing happened' kind of look.

Ron's POV

She's so beautiful when she laughs, I can't help but stare sometimes.

As we were eating, her and Hermione were deep into a conversation about a random muggle band they both listened to, Two Direction? I don't know, but she looked so cute when she was talking about them, she was so passionate about it. I loved it.

'Mate.. you're staring again.' Harry whispered, nudging me. 'Merlin, you really like her don't you.'

'Is it that obvious?'

'Just a bit,' he laughed, 'Why don't you do something about it, you know how many guys fancy her, shoot your shot before it's too late!'

'Well...' I hesitated, before eventually telling him everything.

'BLOODY HELL WAY TO GO RO-' he gasped before I cut off his loud exclaimation with a kick under the table. The girls looked at us confused but quickly resumed their conversation.

'Sorry mate, but holy shit! Have you asked her out yet?'

'Not yet, I want too but I need to make sure we're on the same page, y'know?'

'Course, well just talk to her, it doesn't have to be complicated, just ask her how she feels.' he said, stuffing his face with toast.

And that's when I knew exactly how I was going to ask her to be mine.


The day went by quite quickly and soon enough we were all back in the Great Hall having dinner. As we were eating the owls flew over us for the daily mail drop. I normally don't get anything as both my parents are too busy for me and all my friends are at school with me, but today my owl, Buttons (I named him this because his big, brown eyes remind me of buttons), payed me an unexpected visit, holding a letter in his beak with no name on the front, but that smelt like...cinnamon? I hastily opened it up.

Dear Y/N,

If you would do me the honour, meet me at the Black Lake tommorow at 3pm.
Wear something nice, you don't need to bring a bag or anything like that.
If you accept this invitation, please graciously nod your head to the devilishly handsome redhead seated on your table.

With love, R x

The hugest smile crept along my face as I did what the letter asked, Ron smiling back at me and continuing his conversation with Harry and Dean. I'd already told Hermione and Ginny about Ron and so I showed them the letter later that night.

'AHHHHH' Hermione squealed along with Ginny.

'Help me get ready tomorrow?' I asked them, biting my lip sheepishly.

'UM OF COURSE' Ginny replied, 'You're gonna look SO hot.'

We laughed and talked for another hour before eventually falling asleep, my last thought being of Ron and what on earth he had planned for tomorrow.

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