Chapter 28: Neji's anger

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"Of course, it is the Hyuga style. That is why their poses are the same," Lee said.

"The Hyuga style?" Sakura asked.

"It is the most effective type of Taijutsu found in our village I have said it before, I have on my team the man who Is probably the strongest genin to come from the Hidden Leaf village, that man-Neji Hyuga," Lee explained.

After standing for a few minutes they ran at each other. Hinata went to strike Neji with her palm, but he dodged it.

Hinata continued to strike at him, but he dodged them all. Then Neji went for a strike Hinata dodged. It was a hitting and dodging game at this point. I was kind of impressed by how Hinata's skills seem to have improved.

Neji had an opening and Hinata went to aim for it. She stepped back ready to strike him. I could tell that she finally landed a strike on him.

"Did she get him?" Sakura asked.

"No way, she hardly touched him," Naruto said.

"Even so, a glancing blow is enough. That what makes Hyuga clan the most formidable of fighters," Lee said.

"What does? What are you talking about?" Sakura asked.

"There taijutsu is a unique one that's been passed down for generations. It's not the kind of taijutsu Lee and I employ. We tend to concentrate on inflicting external damage. We using crushing blows to raise contusion and breaking limbs, pounding our enemy," Guy-sensei said.

"While the Hyuga way is to attack their opponent's organs and the chakra network through which the chakra flows. Their way is more subtle perhaps not thrilling to watch, but it gradually takes effect with devastating results," Aito said explaining the rest.

"You see you can't build up your internal organs, no matter how hard you train. Even the toughest ninja is vulnerable to this kind of attack," Kakashi said.

Neji and Hinata we're just taking steps to the side. Soon they both ran at each other and started striking. They both are dodging hits. I've never seen Hinata so fired up.

"Hinata, way to go!" Naruto shouted.

"They attack the chakra network? These people are amazing," Sakura said.

"Yeah, you could say that again. So what is the chakra network anyway?" Naruto asked.

I leaned against the railing watching the fight closely. Wondering how this fight was going to end.

"Don't you know anything?" Sakura asked.

"Here, I will explain it. It is a complex system of the circulatory canals that distribute chakra throughout the body, similar to a person's vascular system, the veins, and arteries that carry blood," Lee said.

"I get it. Only these veins carry chakra, not blood?" Naruto said.

"Uh, basically furthermore, the chakra network is closely interwoven with all the most vital internal organs that are virtually one and the same. Therefore, when the network is attacked, these organs suffer damage as well," Lee added.

"Wow, Lee. How'd you ever get to be so smart?" Naruto asked?

"Idiot! How'd you ever get to be a genin!" Sakura yelled hitting him on the head.

"Ow!" Naruto yelled grabbing his head.

I raised an eyebrow at his behavior and continue to watch the fight.

Child of a Snake (Neji Love Story) [Book 1 Of The Senju-Hebi Series)Where stories live. Discover now