Chapter 23: Hokage's Explanation thrid exam

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Aito's P.O.V

We were all gathered in a large room. All the teams that had passed were lined up into lines for each team that has passed the second exam, and there 24 of us each.

The third Hokage was standing in the middle in front of us. Behind him were the Jounin and Chunin including Anko-sense and Ibiki who were lined up beside him.

I glanced behind me at Kaiya, she was clutching the left side of her neck. The strange mark on her neck was still most likely bothering her.

I looked back at Misumi wondering if we should tell Anko-sensei about Kaiya's mark.

Misumi shrugged and held up an anger signaling we talk about that after hearing the rules for the next exam.

"First off, congratulations on finishing the second exam," Anko-sensei shouted as she scanned the room, with slight confusion in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes knowing she was expecting the number of us to be in the single digits. I looked around to see who was all left.

Neji's team, the sand team, my team, the sound team, and a few others.

"Alright, now pay attention. Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you. You better listen carefully, maggots," Anko-sensei said bringing my attention back to her. "Lord Hokage they are all yours!" She yelled.

I sighed as my grandpa step forward and clear his throat. I was hoping this explanation didn't take long, because I and Misumi still need to figure out what to do about Kaiya.

"First, before I tell you what the third exam entails. I want to explain something about the test itself," he began. "Listen closely now. It's something that all of you need to understand. I'm going to tell you the true purpose of these exams. Why do you suppose our country holds these exams in conjunction with our allies?" He asked, all he got was complete silence.

"To raise the ability levels of the shinobi and increase friendship between allied nations, to be sure. But you must understand the true meaning. The exams are so to speak... They're a representation of the battle between allied nations."

"And what that suppose to mean?" I heard Tenten ask.

"Now if we look at our history all the countries that we're currently allied with were once neighboring nations that continuously fight with each other for power. To avoid destroying each other military strength meaningless, those nations pick champions to battle on behalf of their countries at a mutually selected location. That was how the Chunin selection exams began."

"Well, that's nice and all. But why do we have to go through these exams then? I mean it's not like we're doing this to pick chunin to fight," Naruto said.

"Well, actually there is no question that part of the point of these exams is to select shinobi worthy of becoming chunin. That's just not the whole story. These exams also allow for a place where Shinobi can carry the pride of their nation on their backs, and fight against other ninjas for their very life."

"The price of their nation?" I heard pink hair girl named Sakura ask.

"Many leaders and people of importance from various countries are invited to attend this exam as a guest, and also to seek Shinobi to work for them. This exam will determine the course of your ninja work from here on out. And more importantly, those rulers will watch your battles and take note of the strength that each ninja and each nation Is developing. If there is a gap in power between the countries, the strong nations are insulated with job requests for their ninja. And covertly, the request to countries that are deemed weak decline. Therefore, the stronger nation is the better our position when it comes to negotiating with neighboring countries. So it's important to show how military strength our village has."

"Okay, but even so, why is it necessary for us to risk our lives?" I heard some ask.

I slowly walked over to Misumi, as gramps answer that person's question.  I looked straightforward so nobody would notice that I wasn't paying attention, but gently nudged Misumi's side.

"Huh, Aito? What is it?" She whispered glancing over at me from the corner of her eyes.

I glanced at Kaiya who was constantly shifting her body, and seem deep in thought. "What are we going to do about her? That mark still seems to be bothering her and she been quieter than usual," I said.

She sighed. "Yeah, I know that. I doubt she would listen to us and drop out of the third exam, but we can just wait and see what happens."

I narrow my eyes and looked at Kaiya. 'I don't think Kaiya should stay In the exams, but it not my choice to make.'

I looked back at Misumi.

"I guess your right, but if she starts to look like she getting worse we should tell someone," I said.

"Yes I agree," she replied smiling at me. "We might have lost one teammate due to a bad injury, but we won't lose another one."

I nodded before my attention was brought back to the front by a cough. I looked to see a man kneeling in front of my grandpa.

"Lord Hokage, please allow me, Hayate Gekko appointed proctor of the third exam to explain the third test," he insisted kindly.

"So be it," Gramps said looking down at him, before backing up.

Hayate stood up but still not looking in our direction. "It's nice to meet you all." He then started coughing and turned his head towards us.

"There is something I would like all of you-" he paused as he coughed again.  "To do before we start the third exam," He began coughing some more as we just stared at him and listened.


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