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"Yeah, I get it. But you just sat there while she basically flirted with you, and you did nothing to prevent it? Not only is it embarrassing for me to sit there and watch it, but imagine what she will feel like once she finds out you cheated on her, then lied about it." George tensed as he felt Dream's hand on his. Yet, he didn't move his hand. He loved Dream, but he didn't want to be anymore of a home wrecker than he already was. "The least you could do it tell her. For our sake and her's." George exhaled softly, before exiting the small tent. Leaving Dream to watch, as his soulmate leave him, alone.


"Okay guys, let's go!" Bad began to lead the group away from the campsite, heading towards the hiking trail.

"Wait up." George found his way towards Bad, giving him a small smile, while they continued to walk.

George didn't want to be at the back of the line anymore, for two obvious reasons. It pained George to see Dream and Sophie talking, like they used to. Even though he could tell Dream knew George was staring at the too, so he was keeping the conversation more casual, fortunately. All though George knew Dream's heart was his, he still felt uneasy about them talking, especially knowing that both Dream and Sophie both had flirtatious personality's.

"Oh- George." Bad smiled fondly at the other, almost knowing why George was coming to speak to him. "How are you and Cassy?" Bad asked, narrowing his eyes as George obviously flushed a light shade of pink.

"Uh, I saw her last night. With- Mark." George exhaled, looking away from Bad. He seemed to understand what had happened, and turned to George with a sympathetic expression.

"I'm so sorry George." Bad paused, not knowing what to say next. Understandable, George didn't really expect Bad to say anything else. "Are you upset?"

"No." He replied instantly, his mind replaced Cassy with Dream. "Oh, why?" He pushed on, trying to develop a better understanding of the situation.

"Because-" George stopped talking, turning his head, so he could look behind him. Cassy was talking to Mark, George just scoffed, but behind them, Dream was talking too Sophie. The two seemed to be walking in silence, Sophie giving small glances up at Dream.

Bad seemed to follow where he was looking, and his eyes widened. "Did you tell Dream!?" George nodded slowly, he did more than just tell Dream;)) "George! I knew it, are you two- Like .. Dating now?" George shook his head, before explaining the situation to Bad.

"So is he going to tell Sophie today?"

"I hope so." George smiled at Bad, it was nice to have someone to talk too. Bad had always been supportive about his crush on Dream, and it was nice to finally tell him that his advice had actually worked.

The two continued talking for the rest of the hike. Laughing as they brought up old memories they had almost forgotten.

-time skip-

"We are here!" Bad exclaimed, turning away from George, to face the others. Everyone seemed to be relived to have finally gotten here, after 2 hours. It was only a bit after midday, yet everyone was exhausted. "I have some food and water in my bag, so we can rest here for a bit, but then we should probably make our way back down before sunset." Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, most rushing towards Bad's bag.

George already had water, so he walked over to the edge of the mountain they were on, to sit down. He then began dangling his feet of the ledge. It was relaxing, the sun was beaming down on him, making is hard to see, yet the natural light was worth it. It was nice to finally be out after being stuck inside his room for half his life.

"George, can we talk?" George flushed red, knowing that voice. Even though he wasn't entirely upset with her, it had still hurt him. "Okay." The least he could do was try give her a chance to explain.

She sat down next to George, sighing before speaking up once again.

"Look first of all, I'm sorry," She glanced up at George, who was looking at her. They both held eye contact, until George looked away. "I- I like Mark. It's different with Mark than It was with us, I don't know how to explain it." She smiled, obviously thinking of him. "But that is no excuse for me cheating on you." She looked up at him again, stopping herself from fiddling with her fingers.

"It's okay," George responded, after sitting in silence. "I mean- while I was dating you. I guess had feelings for someone else." George smiled sympathetically, but just got confused when Cassy began to giggle.

"Was it Dream?" George's eyes widened.

"Wait- what? How do you know?" He questioned her, Cassy still laughing slightly. The tension earlier had now faded, and it was a more comfortable environment for the two to talk.

"George. Cmon, it's obvious you like him. The way you look at him like your in love. And then you start to blush when you make eye contact. Honestly it's adorable." George sat there, his face flushed pink. Oh, so it was really that obvious.

"You're not mad?" He felt bad, he hadn't meant for his ex to see him looking at someone else like that while they were still dating.

"George. Of course i'm not mad. I'm just glad you could find someone who makes you happy." She smiled at him, holding out her hand, which George happily took. "So, we're okay?" He asked her softly, both now watching the sun hide behind the clouds.

"Yes." Cassy replied instantly. George smiled, it was nice to still be friends with Cassy, after all that had happened. Maybe it was better this way, for the both of them.

"Cassy? Do you think .. " George paused, glancing over at Cassy, who was waiting patiently for him to finish his sentence. "That- Dream wants me?" George knew what they did last night, and could recite every thing they had said to each other. But he still wanted to be certain.

"George have you seen the way he looks at you? He's definitely in love." George blushed at her statement, butterflies swarmed his stomach. "Thank you Cassy." He almost whispered, she hummed in response, removing her hand from his.

"Someone is here to see you." She spoke softly, before getting up front he side of the ledge, and walking over to what he assumed was Mark.

George still sat there his legs dangling of the edge, oblivious of the person who had just sat next to him. "Hey Georgie." His voice was deep, almost seductive? George became easily flustered when Dream used his 'nickname'. "I told her."



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It was always, you - dreamnotfoundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن