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George knew what was coming, and was most certainly not ready. Fortunately curiosity got the best of him.



They both lay there, processing what had just happened.

"Oh my god, we just-" Dream hummed in response to George, obviously quite pleased with himself. (PLEASe 😀😀)

George lay there, nervously biting his nails. He was laying on Dream's chest, letting the other play with his hair. It was a new sensation, he never did this sort of stuff with Cassy. Or anything for that matter.

"You alright, George?" Realising he had been silent for a while.

"Dream-," George paused, blushing as he felt Dream pull him closer. "What does this- mean?"

"What does what mean?" George rolled his eyes, removing himself from Dream's arms. He knew exactly what George was talking about. George sat up, looking down at the man.

"Im joking with you," Dream replied quickly, grabbing George's hand, then pulling him back down onto of him. "It can mean what ever you want it to mean."

George smiled, a genuine smile. He was with Dream, Dream was his. It was no longer a silly crush, that George would normally just push aside. It was something real, that the both of them felt towards the other.

"I don't want to just be your friend anymore." George spoke up, he wanted something more. He had never felt like this for anyone before. It was something new, something he was willing to fight for.

"George, would you like to be mi-"

"Clay, are you in here?" Dream stopped talking imminently.

He turned to George, giving him an apologetic look, before unzipping the tent. "uh- Hey Soph." He was still calling her that?

"Hey baby." She bent down towards Dream, kissing him lightly on the cheek, as Dream sat there, his face flushed red from embarrassment.  

George frowned, why didn't Dream stop her? 

"I just-" She paused, glancing at George who was sat there fiddling with his fingers, trying to cover his warm face. "Why is George here?"

"Oh, uh- He was upset about Cassy, so he came to me for comfort last night. I guess we both just fell asleep." George scoffed, Dream was really just dismissing what they did last night? 

"Oh okay. Anyway, I was sent to tell you guys that we are heading on a hike in about a hour, so you two should get ready." She smiled fondly at Dream, playing with his hair for a second, then leaving the two alone.

"George, I-"

"After everything we did last night? You just cheated on Sophie and won't even tell her? Not only did you just hurt me, but your now hurting Sophie." George questioned why he was defending Sophie, after all she had treated him like shit.

"George look, I want you, and you know that. But I cant just tell Sophie imminently, it's harder than you think." Dream huffed, reaching his hand out to George's.

"Yeah, I get it. But you just sat there while she basically flirted with you, and you did nothing to prevent it? Not only is it embarrassing for me to sit there and watch it, but imagine what she will feel like once she finds out you cheated on her, then lied about it." George tensed as he felt Dream's hand on his. Yet, he didn't move his hand. He loved Dream, but he didn't want to be anymore of a home wrecker than he already was. "The least you could do it tell her. For our sake and her's." George exhaled softly, before exiting the small tent. Leaving Dream to watch, as his soulmate leave him, alone


it took me ages to actually write this chapter- since I was debating on how the story should end. but now I have a vague idea:)

PLS IGNORE HOW BAD THIS CHPATER IS WRITTEN- like idek if what George was saying made ANY sense-

This book should be completed in the next few chapterD:

word count: 660

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