16: A Vampire's Heart

Start from the beginning

The elder tilted his head and looked at the marks. They seemed to be a faded scar in the shape of two tiny circles, like puncture wounds. Nebula lifted his eyes to Artemis and touched the wound site. Artemis flinched instantly and clasped a hand around it as he stepped back.

"Your highness, pardon my assumption, but that scar looks like a bite mark." Nebula drew his eyebrows closer. "A vamp--"

"What?! No! Of course it isn't!" Artemis said angrily. "I must've scratched my skin open at some point. It's nothing to worry about."

Artemis acted offended but in fact he was shaking with fear. It was the bite mark Hades left when he had fed on him. He didn't know he had the scar.

Nebula rose his head, ever so slightly, and said:

"Of course, my apologies your highness."

He thanked him for the potions and Artemis darted out of the room. He went up the stairs to his tower to find Hades. However, on his way up, he met Dia descending them.

"Your highness!" Dia exclaimed. "I was looking for you. I was going to ask if you'd be coming down for dinner?"

"Sorry Dia, I'm not hungry." Artemis declined.

"Please your majesty, you must eat. You've been skipping your meals lately. I worry you're not getting the nutrition you need. Please reconsider your choice, your highness."

Artemis didn't want to eat but Dia practically pleaded for him to accept with her big green eyes. She was his maternal figure, so he couldn't brutally reject her request. He sighed quietly and nodded.

"I'll be down in a minute. I just need to change." Artemis smiled.

"I'll make the preparations." Dia beamed and bowed before hurrying down the stairs.

When Artemis opened the door of his room, Hades wasn't there and he started panicking. His eyes landed on a small note placed on the neatly made bed, it was folded into a black paper crane.

Artemis picked up the figurine and as soon as his finger tips touched it, it came to life. He gasped softly as the crane beat its wings and flew around the room. It circled Artemis and pecked at his cheeks, making him giggle.

The crane began settling and Artemis placed his palms underneath it. The paper crane unfurled itself and reveled the elegant scribbles of Hades' handwriting in white ink.

"I went out to the dark forest for a little bit. I'll be right back. ~Love, Hades."

The paper read.

Artemis sighed in relief, knowing Hades was safe made him relax. He decided to change out of his regalia and into his nighttime tunic.

The tunic was a light green and made of smooth silk. The long sleeves were baggy at his wrists and the thin golden, braided belt folded the top of the tunic onto it. At the foot of the gown, there were floral designs done in white. Artemis tied his hair back and put on his engagement ring, which he kept forgetting to have on lately.

A few strands of his ivory hair were loose and framed his marbled skin. He wore a golden headband across his forehead with a small diamond at the center.

Artemis left his room and locked it, and went down towards the dining hall.

Upon entry, his eyes scanned over the food laid out at his seat. Today's menu included wild duck in a red berry sauce, a rice side dish, and spring fruit salad. Artemis sat at his seat when Dia came to his side.

"I hope you enjoy your meal, your highness." Dia bowed.

"Why don't you stay and have dinner?" Artemis offered. "Won't you keep me company?"

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