Things Can't Get Worse... Right?

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"There's no one there. Are you feeling ok?" She asked.

I was confused. I looked to see that she was right. The flying blue lady had disappeared into thin air. Not like Ghirahim where there was a indication that he had disappeared, she just disappeared completely.

"Maybe the flight affected me more than I thought it did." I muttered. "Whatever, let's just go."

Me and Ruby started walking through the courtyard, marveling at all the weapons along the way. We made it about halfway towards the doors before Ruby tripped over some girls luggage. I felt bad for all of three seconds before she opened her mouth. She started yelling at Ruby. I was about to step in and help when I noticed that there were five Bokoblins standing at the forest edge. I zoned back in just as Ruby sneezed and created an explosion. The crabby lady started yelling again, and this time I stepped in.

"Would you calm down for a second?" I angrily asked her. "She accidentally knocked over your luggage, not killed your family pet. You're acting like she's the devil incarnate."

"She also almost killed me!" The girl yelled at me. "I could have been blown off the cliff!"

"But were you though?" I asked rhetorically.

"Why are you defending her? What is she, your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Excuse me princess, first of all she is not my girlfriend." I told her with a blush on my face. "And I'm sorry that I wanted to defend my first friend ever."

Ruby first had a blush on her face at being called my girlfriend, but then held a saddened face when she heard she was my first friend. She was about to interrupt our dispute when she noticed a girl with black hair walking over to us.

"It's heiress actually." The new girl told us. "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust company."

Looking back at the girl, I was surprised I hadn't noticed the freakishly white hair.(Thinking about it, Ghirahim has the same hair. Maybe he is the original Schnee.) She also carried herself in a very condescending yet regal manner. She was certainly a Schnee alright.

"Finally some recognition!" Weiss exclaimed.

"The same company infamous for it's questionable business practices, right?" I asked rhetorically, ending any hope Weiss had for good recognition.

Weiss just made a sound that I'm not too sure what it was supposed to be. Thinking about it, there are multiple girls who made that sound at me after some conversations at the store. Shaking that thought off, I went to thank the girl who intervened only to find out she had disappeared completely.

"Is that girl a ninja or something?" I muttered under my breath before flopping down.

Ruby quickly followed my movement and landed beside me. We sat in silence for a little bit. I was mainly thinking about the blue lady and the Bokoblins and if they were real and if they were, what that meant for me. After a little bit of sitting on the ground, the same blonde boy that threw up on the bullhead stuck his head into view and offered us his hands to lift us up. Me and Ruby accepted his hands and he helped us up to our feet.

"Thanks man." I thanked him. 

"It's no problem." He replied. "You guys looked kinda down, figured I'd come over and say hi."

"Well we appreciate it." Ruby said, before noticing my expression, which was me trying not to laugh immensely hard. "What is it (Y/N)? You obviously want to say something."

"Aren't you the guy who kept throwing up on the bullhead?" I asked while bursting out laughing.

Ruby gave me a glare that went unnoticed by me until she smacked me really hard on the back of the head. I stood back up while still chuckling under my breath. The blonde guy was slightly blushing. Later we can be seen walking through the halls of Beacon, trying to find where all the other students were. Ruby being the curious girl she was, had a question to ask.

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt