Chapter 4

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Kion let out a yelp as he knocked into something or someone for the millionth time.

"Sorry," he quickly apologized.

"It's alright Kion," he heard Beshte reassure him. "Not your fault."

"Kion, for the last time, let me guide you with my paw or tail-tip. Then you won't be knocking into all of us all the time," Fuli said, annoyance clear in her harsh and snappy voice.

"I can see just fine." He took a step towards where he heard her voice come from, but stumbled over something soft and low to the ground and quickly caught himself. 

Fuli let out a yelp as her point was proven. "My tail!"

"Sorry." Kion ducked his head in shame. Nobody ever mentioned this because nobody wanted to hurt Kion, but slowly but surely, over the course of the past few days Kion's scar was turning him blind.

"Kion, just let us help you. You can't see."

"Yes I- Sorry!" He had bumped into Fuli roughly, almost knocking her over.

"Has my point been proven?" She asked sarcastically.

Kion sighed. "Fine, fine, have it your way."

She rested her tail-tip on his shoulder and began walking, keeping him close to her. "The sleeping spot is this way."


"Lay down here."

"Alright." Kion laid down, feeling warm and soft moss and grass under him, comforting in comparison to the cold and hard stone and rock he was always sleeping on.

Fuli had led him to the wrong sleeping spot.

"Um, Fuli, I think there might be a mistake. This isn't my sleeping spot," he said awkwardly.

"I know." Her voice was suddenly distant. "I don't want you sleeping on the cold and hard stone. Sleep here."


"No buts," Fuli's stern voice cut him off.

Kion nodded obediently and curled up on the soft sleeping spot. He felt soft fur beside him and a tongue graze his sore wounds, sighing and murmuring disapproval.

But tension still lingered. Sorrow hung in the air for the young cheetah, while a feeling of misery hung in the air for the young lion.

Neither chose to talk about it.

After a little while, he no longer felt the tounge on his wounds or the soft fur. He blinked the drowsiness from his eyes and forced himself to lift his head up, looking for Fuli even though it would be no use. He couldn't see and even if he could, the dark night would make it almost impossible to see anything but a faint sign of a silhouette.

"Fuli?" He whispered, feeling around with his paws until they came upon something soft. Kion quickly pulled away. He didn't want Fuli to think he was creepy or anything. "Fuli?"

"I'm right here." She let out a yawn. "Go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep," he admitted honestly.

"Well that's too bad. Deal with it." Her snappish and harsh behavior returned for a moment, pushing through the compassionate cracks.

"Okay..." He scooted over to where he was a few moments prior and laid his head down. His voice breaking, he decided to hum a tune, a tune his best friend sang to him long ago. "I know the world can be dark sometimes... I know the world can be mean... but that doesn't mean it defines... the joy that can be seen... In our own little world... there's nothing but joy... and this happy feeling is a feeling... we won't let anyone destroy..."

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