Chapter 12

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I looked at her, my gaze fixed on her's, not worrying a damn about my expression.

Who is Dev?

"How did you—" a sharp pain coursed through my head, making me groan in pain.

Fucking hangover!

"What else do you exactly know?"

"You mean, what else you exactly said?" She gives me that little smug look, which is not helping me to feel good about this whole situation.

I don't know what my face was like, but it gave away the serious vibe. Her face was no longer teasing me. The burnt wrinkles were no longer folded deep into her face.

If anything, her face enounced awkwardness, guilt, and panic. "I-I... S-sorry." She slouched. "You just shared a little of your mind. The topic "Dev" came after you 'officially' slept."

"What did I exactly say about Dev?"

"You were just scolding him. Like "you idiot! That's my shirt" and such sorts..."

"That's it?" I can't help but feel like she's hiding something from me.

"And... No... I think that's all..." She looked so uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. Which only makes me pry for answers... Even if I'll regret it later... "And..?"

The crimson was back. Her futile attempts were not helping to hide her embarrassment "I'm sure you'll remember them eventually..." She averted her gaze and reached for the empty cup on my side "Oh! By the way," she was fiddling with the handle of the cup, which made me quite conscious of its presence.

"I'm seeing... a therapist..." Now her toes were making circles in... nervousness? Maybe...

I try to let her loose, and smile warmly while getting up and reaching for her by her jaw "That's amazing..." I whispered a little away from her, as I was aware of my morning breath "I'm happy for you." I stroked the darker side of her face, which has become too soft to have a texture.

Both of our eyes try their hardest not to look at each other's lips. At which they fail miserably. I don't know what this sibylline woman was doing to me, but I'm so... so drawn to her, that it scares me.

It scares me that I might crush her. Cling on to her for my dear life. Seek the strength and comfort that she possesses so innately...

I quickly turn my face away from her's and give her an endearing hug. A hug to say that I appreciate her efforts. Because I know it was not easy for her to visit a therapist.

It was not easy for me at least.

"How are the sessions going then? Are they too expensive?" I find myself asking her.

"Uh... Yesterday was my first one. I still have nine more to attend, to make a breakthrough. And, no. They are not that expensive. Even if they were," she patted her shoulder in pride "I have a decent bank balance. My work pays me well." She smiles brightly.

It's been so long since I saw her like that. Bright. So bright. I wanted to capture that moment. Or at least, never let her go gloomy. Again. Not when I'm here with her. For— stop it!

I suddenly snap myself out of her trance, to notice the lack of clothing on my body. She carefully eyes my legs, then a lingering, warm gaze on my chest. Her eyes were not so good at hiding emotions, but they were great at carrying so many mixed feelings, that I'm confused.

"I feel objectified," I remark teasing at her gawking. Her blush was back again. It's as if that redness is part of her. Without her shyness, I don't feel like she's Kiran. At least, the Kiran I'm trying to know.

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