"You're calling Miss Barb, aren't you," Nick asked April with a smile as he knew his fiance and he knew how close her bond was with Miss Barb. April just laughed as she looked at Nick, liking how well he knew her.

        "Maybe," April told Nick, making him laugh as he thought it was a good idea to talk to her too. She had a young daughter as well and she worked with children all the time. Plus she was just someone they both trusted.

         "Okay well I'll take that as a yes," Nick playfully told April who laughed a little as she couldn't help it. "That's okay with you right," April asked Nick who just smiled as he nodded. "Yeah I actually think it's a great idea too," Nick told April who just nodded.

          "Well at least we're on the same page for something," April told Nick who just nodded. "Yeah that's true, so do you really think she can help us," Nick asked April who just sighed as she looked back at Mal's door.

            The small girl was sleeping peacefully in her bed, but she knew that wasn't going to last long as it never did. Mal's nightmares were starting to get better, but they were still bad. "I don't know Nick, but we don't have many options at this point. It's worth a shot," April told Nick who just nodded.

            "Yeah you're right," Nick told April who just nodded silently as she didn't know what else to do before April could say something again Mal's door opened as the small girl ran over to the couch with tears flowing down her cheeks as she just turned on the tv.

               April and Nick both just looked at each other and sighed as they both knew this was another situation where Mal wasn't going to talk to them about what was going on unless they forced it out of her and they didn't feel like forcing the small girl to talk to them when it was obvious she was too afraid to.

              "Mal are you okay," April asked the small girl hoping to get an answer from her, but Mal just looked up at her as she pointed to the tv which they both knew was Mal's way of telling them she didn't want to talk about it.

              "Okay well is it okay if we sit with you and watch," April asked the toddler who just nodded as the two sat down by her and the toddler smiled a little as she watched her show cuddled up with her new mommy and daddy.

                "Ape," Nick gently told April as he gently shook her once she had fallen asleep with Mal who was passed out on her. He didn't want to wake her, but April's phone was going off and he knew exactly who was calling.

                 April just groaned as she looked at Nick as she had been sleeping and he just woke her up. "Nick this better be important I was comfortable and we finally got her sleeping again," April quickly told Nick who just handed April the phone.

                 "Miss Barb is calling," Nick told April who immediately jumped up as she grabbed the phone from Nick and answered it as she had been waiting for Miss Barb to call her back for hours now.

                  "Finally I'll be right back," April quickly told Nick as she answered the phone and walked into the other room to talk. "So what did she say," Nick asked April once she came back after finishing her conversation with Miss Barb.

                    April just smiled a little as she sat back down on her spot as she carefully moved Mal to be cuddled up on her again. "She said she would love to help us and that she can come over in the morning to talk with us. I really hope this works," April told Nick, making him smile as well as they finally had hope for some help.

                    "Okay good. I really hope she can help too because we're starting to run out of ideas here," Nick told April who just nodded again as she laid her head on Nick and fell back to sleep still holding the toddler close to her.

                     Nick smiled again as he looked at the two sleeping girls as he kissed them both on the forehead and then fell asleep as well. Nick and April were woken up again though when they heard the tv as Mal had woken up from another nightmare and had turned the tv back on as the tv always seemed to calm her down after a nightmare.

                    April and Nick both just looked at each other again as they both sighed just knowing they were in for another long and rough night of no sleep. They weren't complaining though because they knew Mal couldn't help it as they knew she had been through a lot, but they both just wished she would open up to them because they just wanted to help her.

                 She had started to open up to them, but one night after a bad nightmare she seemed to be going backwards and shutting down more and they just didn't know what to do to help her anymore, but they are still determined to help her they just know it's going to take time and right now if that means a few rough nights of no sleep then so be it.

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