Chapter 15: Epilogue + (A/N)

Start from the beginning

Yang: "Blake? You're back!?"

Yang stepped forward, shocked to see Blake again, before immediately stopping.

At that point, everyone was staring at Weiss.

Weiss: "..."

Weiss was silent. She didn't make a sound the moment she saw Blake.

She walked towards her. 

And as she approached Blake, Ruby ran up to speak with her, only to be blocked by Yang.

Ruby: "Yang? What are you-"

Yang: "Not now, Ruby."

Hearing how serious Yang was at that moment, Ruby zipped her mouth, allowing the silence to take over.

This was for Weiss to do. No one else.

As Weiss made her way to Blake, thoughts flooded her head. She had so many things she wanted to say, whether it was an apology on what she did to anger for leaving the group.

But as she stood in front of Blake, fear in her eyes as she waited...

She hugged her.

Weiss: "I'm glad you're safe..."

Everyone was shocked.

Ruby couldn't believe what she was seeing. What happened? Why was Weiss so... sudden? Why didn't she get angry?

Yang held a slight grin in pride. She could truly see the change Weiss made, and was so proud to know that she had some part in it.

And Blake?

She was stunned, silent.

But instead of asking any question, instead of questioning her decision and confronting Weiss about it all...

She simply hugged back.

Blake: "I'm sorry..."

At that point, both Blake and Weiss couldn't control the tears within their eyes.

They both made a mistake.

And now, finally, they could fix it.

Weiss: "I'm sorry too..."

Watching all of this take place, team RWBY stayed still, not paying attention to the world around them.

Until the world brought their attention back.

(Y/N): "Oh! You made up! That's good."

Hearing (Y/N)'s sudden exclamation, all of team RWBY jumped back in surprise, staring directly at the young man in front of them.

(Y/N): "... I probably shouldn't have said anything. Just... come inside when you feel it's right. I need to talk to you all..."

Closing the door slightly, (Y/N) left to go back inside of his dorm, leaving team RWBY alone in the hallway.

There, they all stared at each other, thinking about what to do next.

Weiss: "...We should head inside now."

Ruby: "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Yang: "Yep."

Blake: "Yeah."

All agreeing to go inside of (Y/N)'s dorm, all four of them stood next to each other, nodding to each other as they walked inside, finally together again.


Yang: "Whoa! It's like an entire house inside of here!"

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