13: The Three Crows

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry for making everything complicated Artemis." Hades muttered.

"It isn't your fault Hades." Artemis sniffled.

"How is it not my fault?"

"B-Because I didn't push you away hard enough. I chose to let you stay even when you came back after a week. I knew everything would get complicated, but I wasn't thinking straight. You can only tempt a person so much and it won't work if they're set on their responsibilities. I was never set on them Hades. I didn't care about them, they were just chores to me. Because of that I was easily swayed and now this is my situation."

Hades pulled away to see him and Artemis's face tugged at his heart strings. His freckled face was red along with his puffy eyes. He gently caressed his cheek and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Hades asked.

"Can we just sleep for now?" Artemis requested. "I'd like to not sink further into sadness."

"Anything for you darling."

They cuddled up against each other on the bed, and Artemis laid his head and a hand on Hades' chest. The slow beating of Hades' heart and his body heat wrapped him like a blanket and gradually lulled him to sleep.


Artemis only realized how tired he was when he woke up groggy in the early evening.

"Evening, sleepy head." Hades smiled sweetly at him.

"What time is it? Did I sleep all day?" Artemis rubbed his eyes.

"Yes you did, and it's six in the evening."

Artemis sat up and looked around as he yawned.

"I actually need to go back home Arty." Hades said. "I don't mind staying here longer if you ask me to, but I desperately need a change of clothes."

"Oh. Okay, I understand. When will you come back though?" Artemis asked.

"Hm, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to Lamia tonight? Maybe I can show you around my castle and finally prove to you I'm not a common vampire."

"I already know you're not."

"For old time's sakes. What do you say moon prince?"

"Is it safe for me to go there?" Artemis wondered.

"Way safer than it is here for me Arty. Vampires don't care about species. Your kind isn't a threat to us and we don't hold grudges, so you can have it for certain nothing will happen to you." Hades assured. "Even if something does happen, I'm willing to kick ass for you."

Hades pecked his cheek and made Artemis blush. He agreed to go with him to Lamia and changed to more comfortable clothes.

"How are we getting there genius? Isn't it far?" Artemis raised an eyebrow.

"Not if you fly." Hades wiggled his eyebrows.

He picked Artemis up bridal style and jumped over the fence of the balcony.

"HADES WHAT THE FUCK!!!! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!!! THIS IS THE GODDAMN TALLEST TOWER YOU JUST CHOSE TO JUMP OFF OF!!!" Artemis screeched as he clawed at Hades with tightly shut eyes.

"Are you afraid of heights Artemis!?!" Hades laughed over the whistling wind.


"But you live in the tallest tower!!"


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