Ch 10: Bachelorette Night

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Clarity for the one hundredth time." Oliver replied, "You and Felicity go have fun tonight."

"Okay, okay," Clarity nodded shifting her weight. "It's just I mean he's not even my kid, and he just saw his dad get thrown in handcuffs last week and he's been having nightmares-"

"Clarity, I've fought against Aliens, metahumans and mirakuru hyped soldiers. I can handle two eleven year old boys for a night. I'll make waffles in the morning. For you and Felicity too, I'll make it a brunch. It'll be nice."

"Right, of-of course, of course it'll be nice. Why wouldn't everything be nice? It's supposed to be a happy cheery super duper fun night. So of course the mornings gonna be different. Uh, I mean the same. The same but different. Differently same Uh-." Clarity nodded pressing a hand to her forehead sliding it back along her hair, boas and things all scooped to her left arm. "Sorry, just me being..." she trailed off biting her lip closing her eyes. No, no bad Clarity. Conceal, don't feel. Let it go. Leave it on the waverider. Tonight's supposed to be fun. Don't ruin the fun.

"Hey, are you okay?" Oliver asked in concern, arms crossed over his chest. Eye brows pinching together as he looked her over. Voice coming out soft and gentle.

"Hm? Fine, I'm fine." Clarity insisted even though she wasn't. Regretting leaving her room already before the festivities were even started. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I am fine. Completely fine. Totally fine. 100% fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine." Clarity dragged out the last fine of what was much too many fine's for any truly fine person. "This is gonna be good. Gonna be great. Lis, we should um get going now. Don't want to be late. Jonas! Be good, don't forget your manners and Uh, I will be back to get you sometime tomorrow. Around brunch whatever time that is."

"I won't!" Jonas waved. "Bye Clarity!"

"Bye Felicity!" William added as well taking advantage of the paused game to eat a Cheeto.

"You boys don't give this guy too much trouble." Felicity warned the children before turning to Oliver. "Mm, I love you." Felicity gave Oliver a kiss.

"Be safe." He told her. "Both of you," He caught Felicity's arm as she made to go.

"What? Don't tell me the big bad vigilante is scared to be left alone with a couple of preteens?" Felicity asked him.

"No, it's not that." Oliver denied shaking her head. "You should keep an eye on her tonight. with her. She doesn't seem like herself. Last time Sara texted me she wanted me to ask Dig if he knew any good trauma specialists. One from Argus who was used to the crazy stuff we do that would meet off the books. She left out a lot of details, I thought maybe it was for herself, maybe the fact that Dhark was back got under her skin and she didn't know how to ask for help with how stubborn she is so she said it was for someone else, but if Clarity's struggling with makes sense Sara'd want to get her help given how she feels about her."

"Given how she feels? What does that mean?" Felicity asked having been absent for the whole dominator dream sequence. Thus had never seen Sara's dream of Clarity being her forever girl.

"Felicity, just keep an eye on her." Oliver advised. "It might be nothing, I could be off base, but in case it's not, in case I'm right."

"Oliver, she had a bum week. Her ex died. Her friend went to prison. That's it. She doesn't need to see some quack to talk about her feelings. If something was bothering her she'd say so."

"Would she?" Oliver challenged. "We didn't find out she had powers until over a year after she first got them. If she's capable of hiding that..."

"She said was good to come out and I believe her. Stop being paranoid. She's my best friend. If something were wrong I'd be the first one to know. Now if you'll excuse me mama needs to party like it's MIT year 08." Felicity snapped her fingers. The two women piled into Felicity's car once she got to the parking garage and they made the drive to Central. Once they got to Star labs they walked straight in. Well, Clarity walked in, Felicity was left behind to get everything out of the car.

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