Chapter Twenty One- DOA

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Draco sighs, he hasn't been awake for more than two hours and ninety percent of the time he's spent it thinking about Harry.

"I hate the way you say my name, like it's something secret," He frowns deeper, remembering the way Harry had spat his last name like it was poison, well after Draco had spat his last name at him. He shakes his head and tries not to think too deeply into a song. He doesn't want to ruin this song, he quite likes it. He quite likes this whole album, he doesn't want to ruin it.

He listens as the song changes, maybe he shouldn't be listening to a break up album. That might help some of his issues.

"My heart is on my sleeve, wear it like a bruise or black eye," He sighs louder, he just won't listen to the lyrics. He's just going to enjoy the song. He's just going to listen, not think about anything but driving his car.

"'Cause every pane of glass that your pebbles tap, negates the pains I went through to avoid you," Draco's eye twitches as he skips the song quickly. He's letting it get to him, he knows it, but it's hard not to when the song is blasting into his eardrums and invading his brain.

He breathes deeply, stopping at the traffic light and staring straight ahead. He will not think about Harry. Even when the next words of the song send an image of Harry straight to the front of his mind.

"Will you be able to tell me 'sorry' with a straight face?" Draco practically screeches, his forehead coming to slam on his horn making it honk loudly. He jerks up and blushes brightly at the people staring at him, he waves his hand trying to seem friendly and ignores their glares.

He hates his life right about now.

He pulls out a different CD as the light seems to be taking forever and he doesn't know if he can take listening to the album anymore. He grabs the dark red album glancing over the artist and humming appreciatively. He takes out the Fall Out Boy CD and tosses it on the seat as the traffic finally starts to move and throws the Maroon 5 into the stereo. He loves this song.

"You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone. Not fit to fucking tread the ground that I am walking on," Draco practically chokes on his words as he remembers Harry playing this while he was trying to get those cuff links on the suit, it was his birthday. He curses loudly to himself, his voice filled with venom. Fucking Harry, he can't even listen to music without thinking about him.

He angrily turns down the music, instead listening to the quiet hum of the car in the now silent cab. He won't listen to music, he won't! Because apparently it is national 'Miss Harry So Dearly That I Want To Combust' day.

He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and turns into the parking lot of the Pool. He quickly puts his car into park and turns the ignition off. Stepping onto the pavement he takes a deep breath, just get through today and you can have a mental breakdown later, he thinks.

He grabs his bag from the passenger seat and slings it over his shoulders quickly before stomping into the building. The desk workers wave at him and Draco barely musters a smile and a small wave back before trudging towards the lifeguard office. He hasn't been in for a full day in over two weeks, he told them he had caught some sort of flu that made him extremely sick and no one questioned it, the doctors note he conjured may have helped. He's been working odd hours, a couple hours here and there just to make enough money for rent. Not that he needs to, if he wanted to he could have just been sitting at home moping, but Hermione convinced him that he does indeed have responsibilities.

He quickly opens the door to the lifeguard office and sees Charles sitting calmly at the supervisor desk, his feet kicked up and sipping on a soda. He narrows his eyes seeing the ragged mess Draco is. Uncombed hair, wrinkled shirt and loose joggers. Definitely something is up, he hasn't been around much these last two weeks. Any time Charles saw Draco he was just there for a couple of hours, doing a few rotations and then rushing away.

Lifeguards (a Drarry Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن