Chapter 18: Gotham City

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[Radio] Give it to me. Charlotte! Charlotte!

He heard running and giggling on the radio. Suddenly, the connection turned off.

(Greg) Who was that?

(Steven) That was Charlotte. Aka Moonlight. That woman who juggled the car.

(Greg) That's her?! What's she doing at his place?

(Steven) She was too strong for him to fight. Eventually, she made a compromised. She lives with him and she doesn't trash the city.

(Pink Diamond) She's friendly, right?

(Steven) I think so. I've never met her in person. I guess we have to find out. Let's pack our bags, we're goin' to Gotham.


The packed the van of the bags and filled the gas up to the top. Gotham is miles and miles away. Bruce made traveling seem fast but he's using the Batwing which one of the fastest aircraft known to mankind.

If he took the Batmobile to Beach City, it'd take a while to get there. They've been on the road for over 7 hours now. Pink offered to drive since she doesn't get exhausted, but she doesn't know how to drive.

They'd rather have a sleepy driver than an inexperienced driver who doesn't have a clue how to drive a car. They eventually reached Gotham and it's a big place. Steven pitied Bruce for having to protect this place in the past.

How can he get around with these tall buildings and wide spaces. He noticed all the dark alleys and how intimidating some look, even without the criminals. Steven noticed they're going by the Monarch Theatre.

(Steven) Stop!

Greg slammed his foot on the brakes. Luckily there's nobody around that could crash into the van.

(Greg) What is it?

Steven ran out of the van and into the alley that leads behind the building. Pink and Greg follow him. On the way to the sign, they saw a sign that had red paint on it that spelled:


(Greg) Wait...

They walked down the alley further. They found Steven on his knees, crying.

(Greg) What is... oh, no...

They saw the body lined chalk lines on the ground. Pink was confused.

(Pink Diamond) What's wrong?

(Greg) That's are where Bruce's parents died... He was 8 when it happened.

She covered her mouth. What kind of monster would kill the parents of a young boy?

(Steven) (softly crying)

He knows he grew up without his mom for 14 years, but he never had her and his dad murdered in front of him. He turned around and hugged his parents tightly.

(Steven) I love you two. And I don't ever wanna lose you.

Greg cried, too. He thought of being in Bruce's position and it's horrible. His parents may have been controlling, but Greg still loved them and would never wish for this to happen to him.

Pink had a bad relationship with the Diamonds, but would never ask for them to be wiped out suddenly. Steven had forgotten this is what made Bruce into Batman in the first place. The death of loved ones.

Greg noticed some roses were left near the chalk lines. Did Steven leave them there? He doesn't remember Steven bringing roses with him.

(Steven) (sniffles) I'm sorry. I just... wanted to see if it was true...

Batman Meets Steven (Batman/Steven Universe Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu