chapter 9

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while jisung and changbin were having a great, nearly romantic, time, minho was making plans for his next victim and how he was going to get away with it. most important, how was he not going to be suspected by his boyfriend. he had a clean killing streak for now. the police being straight dumbasses in this story. the male settled down on the couch with his laptop on his lap, he was going over the conversation between chan and jisung he had recorded through the boy's phone.
"yah.. chan.. should've gone private on Instagram, eh? you know that I killed all his friends and that I can easily get to you. not so smart move, is it?" he yawned, scrolling through the Australian's Instagram page. it wasn't hard to find as jisung was following him and all he had to do was type in 'chan' in the search bar.
"tch.. why does he barely update. What's the point of having an account if you're not gonna update or whatsoever?" minho groaned out from frustration. he rolled his eyes a little, slamming his laptop close.
"tracking his address down might take longer than expected.."
it wouldn't be the first time the boy would doxx someone, but sometimes it was easier and other times it was nearly impossible. he sighed as he threw his head back, jisung on his mind. it's been a few hours and he already missed his boyfriend. but out of respect (the little bit he had left), he decided not to listen to whatever he was doing with his family at this very moment.

the male made his way up to his bathroom. he turned on the faucet, watching the water run over his hands. he felt exhausted, the cold water on his skin keeping him awake. he washed his face, glancing up to look at the mirror. he shivered. there was this aura around him, a bad aura. minho quickly closed the faucet, looking down as he did. once he glared into the mirror again, he felt someone standing behind him but there wasn't anyone there. nobody was standing behind him, he was home alone. his hands were gripping the side of the sink, his breathing getting slightly heavier.
he turned around. nothing.
"I can't do this shit today." he groaned, storming out of the bathroom.
the lonely boy stumbled to his bedroom, instantly laying down on his bed. it smelled like jisung.
he missed jisung.
minho took a deep breath, smiling and laughing to himself as he rocked his hips again his sheets.
"oh, baby.. we're going to be so happy together once we get rid of everyone."
he reached for a picture of the couple on his nightstand and hugged it to his chest. it looked like a scenario ripped straight out of an American chick-flick: a person so deeply in love, they're hugging a photo of their crush while giggling to themselves.
minutes without jisung could easily drive him insane. his head would fill with thoughts and 'masterplans'. the current plan being: kill everyone and move away.
he didn't want anyone near jisung in the new town either. he would just have to produce at home if he wanted to keep on doing what he loved.
he giggled.
"goodnight, baby.." he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes, not even bothered to change his clothes.

changbin and jisung were clinging onto each other for dear life. the younger suggested watching a horror movie, but 30 minutes in and he was already regretting it. Binnie just didn't like it in general, only agreeing to make his friend happy.
they were shaking, eyes wide to make sure they wouldn't miss a second of the film. they could be jump scared at any moment if they just blinked.
"ah.. sungie, why did you think it was a good idea?" he whined out.
"i thought it would be fun! don't blame me!"
"you are the one to blame!" he raised his voice, followed by a chuckle.
the older boy grabbed the remote, pausing the film with a low sigh. he turned his head to his friend with a nervous smile.
"how about chicken little?" both of them couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

the sun soon woke up once more, shining through the curtains on the faces of the two young boys who had fallen asleep on the couch during the movie. jisung was the first one to arise, cradled in the strong arms of his friend. the warmth felt good, it felt safe.
a lot safer than in the arms of his actual boyfriend.
the necklace around his neck caught the small's boy attention- it's shiny. very shiny.
he reached for it, fiddling with it between his fingers as he smiled. it was a silver necklace with a little moon attached to it. jisung had this exact necklace but with a little sun. they were matching necklaces.
soon after he let go of the necklace, changbin woke up. he stretched his arms, releasing the boy from his tight hold.
"morning, sung.." he muttered in his low, raspy morning voice.
it made jisung flustered- he had never heard his voice like that. it was nearly.. hot. he swallowed his shyness away, speaking up.
"morning-!" he squeaked.
the boy got up, clearing his throat while his cheeks were red like tomatoes. 
"you look cute, you know?"  the buff male smiled, slowly sitting up on the sofa as he chuckled out.
"I do not!"  he protested, turning around with a huff. 
his stomach rumbled and jisung whined at this.
"can we please eat something? I'm starving..."
he received a small laugh and nod as an answer. 

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