chapter 8

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jisung slept on the cold floor that night. no pillow, no blanket. it felt like his body was covered in snowflakes. or maybe they were his frozen tears. 
as the sun rose, he felt a tap on his belly. the boy immediately sat up, looking with puppy eyes at his lover. 
"don't give me those eyes, it doesn't make up for lying to me yesterday."  
"I'm truly sorry." he pleaded. unfortunately, he received no reaction in return. 
"get up and make me some breakfast for the love of God."  he groaned out.
the younger boy quickly got up, nearly running out of the bedroom and down the stairs to head to the kitchen. he immediately grabbed a pan along with the butter he needed to grease the pan. minho sat down at the table, watching his boyfriend bake bacon and eggs for him. his favourite breakfast. 
"so, who is this chan boy you were with yesterday?" he cocked an eyebrow. 
"a friend and co-producer. we work on most of  our songs together." 
"the depressing ones or the love songs?" 
"both.." his voice got quiet. the other male chuckled.

the younger quickly placed the plates with food on the table, settling himself down on his chair. he didn't dare to look his boyfriend in the eyes at the moment. the situation wasn't getting any better every time he answered one of minho's questions. the whole morning was quiet and jisung could feel the cold gaze in his back whenever he turned away. it was slowly terrifying. giving him second thoughts about his relationship. was it really trustworthy? did he really love the poor boy? did he kill his friends? of course not.. minho isn't a psychopath! but it felt like it. 
"minho.. do you mind if i stay with my parents for a while? i kind of miss them and i want to see them again." he asked softly whilst he played with his sweater paws. 
"sure. i have a lot of work business to do anyway." minho sighed out. 
jisung was taken back by his answer but beamed brightly as he ran upstairs to prepare all his stuff. 
he grabbed his white suitcase with pink polka dots, stuffed his clothes messily inside before running carefully into the bathroom. preparing his toilet bag with necessities; toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving equipment, etc.
he threw it atop of his clothing, struggling a little to close his suitcase but with a bit more weight on top, he eventually managed to close it. 
" can i have a ride, Minnie?"  he peeped into the living room with a tiny voice.
"sure, go out to the car, ill be there in a minute." minho groaned like he didn't want to bring his boyfriend to his parents. 
which in reality, happened to be like that. but he forced himself to put on his shoes anyway, dragging his body out to the vehicle his lover was waiting in. he didn't even understand why he wanted to stay with his parents for a while. was he figuring it out? he truly expected jisung to be less smart than that. 
he sighed out as he unlocked his car, watching the boy dump his suitcase in the backseat before getting in the passenger's seat. the older male quickly got in the driver's seat, poking the blue-haired boy next to him to type in the address. 
and han did but he didn't give in his parents' place, rather changbin's. he knew he was going to be safe there for the coming up days. jisung felt like his s/o was planning something and his gut feeling had been yelling at him. 

the car ride was silent but quick, minho dropping jisung off at the big house- questioning it just a tiny bit at that moment. but they gave one another a quick kiss and the younger knocked on the front door. 
not too long after, changbin opened the door. he pulled his best friend inside hastily. his hallway was dimmed dark but enough to see the boy's face. 
"sungie.. I'm glad to see you again. are you okay? chan told me about it." his voice was gentle.. very soothing. whenever changbin wasn't yelling, his voice was lower and calming. jisung liked it when his voice was like this, it made him feel like all his stress was gone. he had no reason to worry about anything when he was around his hyung. 
"I'm fine, yeah. thanks for letting me stay here.." he looked down, feeling a soft touch on his cheek. 
"i prepared something for us, so let's get you out of the hallway and into the living room!"  the older male grabbed the other's suitcase, easily carrying it while guiding the boy to his living room.

the room was dimmed as well, but it was lit up with tiny fairy lights and scented candles; cinnamon. it was jisung's favourite. alongside that, there was pizza and cheesecake on the table, monster energy drinks and beer. everything that the two loved was present.
"i figured you'd like to have a movie night. you know, to make you feel better!" changbin explained as he watched his best friend smile, feeling butterflies in his stomach at that gummy-heart smile. 

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