chapter 1

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TW // cutting. 

the streets were empty and quiet.
too quiet. the male could hear his soft footsteps echoing within the buildings surrounding him.

he felt a hand remove a lock of his dirty blond hair from his eyes.
"Hey princess. why are you out here alone?"
the voice was low and unfamiliar, a bit.. unforgettable.
"i-i um.." he stuttered.
"right. my name's yongbok but my friends call me Felix. you on your way to the bar?"
the male nodded shyly, answering Felix's question.
"Nice to meet you, Felix. I'm jisung!" he chirped.
jisung gazed at the slightly taller male. his features were noticeable, almost impossible to look past at.
curled eyelashes, tanned skin, pink hair and freckles all over his face. one looked like a little heart.
"shall I go with you?" a sly grin.
"oh, I would love that!" he giggled.

the two males made their way down the dark street, a low bass sound could be heard from a distance along with laughter.
once they arrived, Felix held the door open for the boy who was only a day older.

"sung! I started to think that you weren't coming after all."  that was the voice jisung wanted to hear. the reassuring, sweet voice of his boyfriend: Lee Minho.
"and who may this be?"  the boy called Minho analysed Felix's body slowly, his eyebrow subconsciously raising. 
"oh! this is Felix, I met him just now but he's very sweet!"  the blonde male giggled. But that stopped once he noticed how his boyfriend ran a hand through his blue hair: judging the pink-haired boy. 
"he-hey sungie, I think I'm gonna look for my friends. see ya."  Felix sounded uncomfortable, which was understandable with the looks given by the older male. 
the squirrel looking boy pouted a little, upset that his new friend had to leave so soon.
"Why do you always have to be so judgy about the people I talk to?"  he didn't bother holding back the whines that were stuck in the back of his throat. 
"no idea what you're talking about, princess."  he lied. Minho knew EXACTLY what he was doing. nobody was allowed near Hannie. his Hannie.

"let's just go get a drink, huh?  then go back to my place to have some fun."  the taller male grinned. he adored the small boy with his whole heart. but going down on him in bed was a dream nobody else should be allowed to experience.

while sharing a soju, Minho suddenly spoke up. 
"I've gotta use the bathroom."  no, he didn't. he simply noticed Felix leaving the bar.  and that freckled boy got a bit too close to what belonged to him. so, he will regret this mistake.
the blue-haired boy got up, following the boy outside. he tried to be quiet, a great success. Felix felt eyes burn into his back, he knew he probably wasn't safe. he had to get home, right now. 

the Australian boy sped up, barely not running. but with every step he took, he only felt more and more unsafe. almost sick to his stomach despite having a healthy eating schedule.  maybe he was going insane? can't be, he's perfectly fine. 
he walked into his house, hearing a small but sharp sound coming from the kitchen. as if something broke. glass falling on the ground. it echoed in his head, it was truly painful. with a loud whimper, the male covered his ears with his small hands. why did it hurt so much? it's just a sound. but where did it come from? why did something break? what or who is in his house and how did it get it in? 
all the questions were lingering in his head and he froze in his spot. knees weak and a throbbing headache. he heard a footstep- he heard two. 
"you're all just imagining this Felix, none of this is real. it's just the drug kicking in. it's just the-"  he stopped, his body falling to the ground. 
Minho standing behind him, holding a pan with a sly, devilish grin. he carried the unconscious body towards the bathroom. the bathtub slowly filled with water, the body being dropped in it. 
"checkmate, Felix." he whispered while grabbing a razor. the male slowly cut the younger's wrists open, loving the way his veins appeared in clear sight. the blood ran out of his body like crazy. the water turning red within seconds. Felix died. he placed the razor in his tiny hand before closing it, not turning off the bathtub faucet. the psychopath grinned with a chuckle as he washed his hands, slowly putting the pan back in its original place. then cleaning up the sharp glass, hiding all evidence. 

with a satisfied smile, he left the house, making his way to the bar. Jisung, still patiently waiting for him to come back from the toilets.

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