chapter 8

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Gerard thought that it would be better to leave her alone on her own. He even started not to pay attention to her beside some important issues. He even started to not go home anymore. He spend most of his Time outside the house. Twice in a week he visited her. Alaya was neither happy nor sad with his sudden change. But she could not understand that why he's being like this. She assumed that maybe something is wrong with him, or he's bored from her. Alaya made food everyday, which she mostly ended eating up alone. Only on weekends, he visited her. She spent most of her time on her paintings. 

The most difficult thing for Alaya was to bear with him when he was drunk. Whenever he was drunk he almost lost all of his senses and she had to carry him to bed all by herself. 

But one thing Alaya wondered that where he spends most of his time when he's outside. He cannot sleep in office and work non stop. He must be staying somewhere else when he's not around. 

It was almost months now, and she wanted to meet her family. She started to miss them alot. And she wanted to ask Gerard about it. But he was not home all week. She waited for a week but there was no sign. Finally she decided to give him a call. She asked the maid that she want to make a call to Gerard. She lent her phone and she dialed his number.

"Hello! Who's there?" Before she could say anything, a female voice answered the phone. She was surprised. 

"I want to talk to Gerard" she replied holding onto her senses.

"He's sleeping now, may I know your name? I will tell him when he'll get up" she said in a sweet voice.

"No need" Alaya hung up the phone.

'he must be sleeping with other women, and who sleeps this late in morning? It means he's not going to his office. He must be with that woman somewhere in hotel etc. I should not care about him, atleast he's not torturing me anymore.' she thought to herself.

In the evening she was shocked when she saw Gerard's car in the garage. He probably came home. She was not expecting him. She ran to the kitchen to prepare food for him as she saw Gerard coming in. Gerard walked past the lounge to the kitchen. "Don't make it." He paused her. "Did you called me?" He asked straight away. She turned around to face him. He was standing two meters away from her. And he was looking pale like he has been drinking alot and sick. 

"I wanted to ask you something." She replied without looking him.

"Go on"

"I want to see parents" she gathered all her courage to say it.

"Okay" he replied calmly.

She lifted her head in shock to see him. She was not expecting such an easy answer from him.

He turned away and went to his room, leaving her stunned by his unusual behavior.She stood there realizing that there was something really wrong with him. What could make him change so much in just three months? He's not like before, the one she married.

Next day when she woke up she saw that he already left without breakfast. After breakfast she went to her room to paint. It was two hours when maid knocked on the door. She turned around and looked that she was holding some package in her hand.

"Miss this is from Mr Gerard" she leaned forward to hand it over. She took the box wondering what it could be. When maid left, she opened the box. It was a phone. She didn't understand that why he sent her a phone. She turned it on. She noticed that were was a note inside the box too. "Call them" it read. Finally the question was answered. She understood that he sent her phone to call her parents and maybe then she can decide a meetup with them. 

In evening, surprisingly Gerard came home. Alaya prepared the food for him. As they ate, she expected that he will say something to her. But he didn't. As usual he ate his food in silence without looking at her. As he finished he went to his room. Alaya didn't realized that what made her raged and she stood from her chair and followed him to the room. As she entered, he was sitting on the bed. "Can I ask something?" She said hurriedly.

"Hmm" he hummed without looking.

"What made you change like this? You were not like this before. You were impatient to revenge on me and that's why you kidnapped and brought me here. And now its almost three months that you don't even pay attention to me? What made you like this? And you agreed so easily if I want to meet my parents? Then maybe you should let me go. So I can finally get my freedom." She went on with nonstop questions.

"Do you want my attention?" He asked in a curious way looking at her. She was amazed that how she spoke so much to him at once. 

"No I just want to ask what made you changed like this? And can you let me go? Like to my parents and divorce me?" She didn't realized that from where she got guts to ask him for divorce.

"Do you miss old Gerard so much? Should I start treating you the same way?" He looked at her. She was not calm.

"One thing keep in your mind, I will never divorce you or let you go. You want to meet your parents, you can. Call them and ask them to come here to meet you. But I will not let you go. And for the change, you asked? It's not your concern. You should be thankful that I don't treat you the same way" he continued. He realized that he spoke to much in a while. They never had such a long conversation in past three months.

Alaya stood there wondering, what could possibly be the reason behind this change? But she was disappointed that still he would not let her go.

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