Epilogue - Starting Fresh

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I took my final bow with the rest of the dancers and graciously took the bouquet of roses from the director, smiling and bowing to the audience for their kindness before the curtains dropped.

Running off stage, I was met with so many hugs and compliments from everyone, which was an amazing feeling.

"You did great, Nova!" A few of the girls called out, surrounding me.

"Thank you!" I replied, holding their hands. I had made so many new friends that had the exact same dream as me – I couldn't have been blessed with a nicer group.

"My star, my pride, my joy!" My director bellowed through the back of the stage, walking towards me with his arms open. "Well done, sweetheart, you absolutely killed it out there. I couldn't be prouder."

"Thank you, sir," I bowed, tearing up at his approval.

"I took a chance on you, being so fresh out of college, but it certainly paid off!" He kissed my hand, patting it fondly before turning to everyone else. "This, ladies and gentlemen, is proof that talent isn't determined by age or experience; it's determined by passion. Our young Nova may be the best dancer of her generation."

I gasped as everyone whistled and called out words of agreement, cheering me on. I had put everything into my opening night, and they were the words I needed to hear.

"Party time!" I shouted out, dancing sillily in front of everyone who giggled at me in response. "We have a day off, so let's get pissed!"

Jimin had given Johnny back his business and invested money into it to make it the biggest club in Seoul. I had taken it upon myself to book out the venue for the afterparty.


I walked down the hall, heading for my dressing room, when I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Hey, Nova!" My dancing partner shouted as he ran to catch up with me.

"Whatsup?" I turned to him with a huge smile on my face.

"I just wanted to personally congratulate you..." he played with his hands nervously. "You were- you were amazing out there, truly."

"Thanks, Dino."

We both approached my dressing room and he leant against the door, stopping me from entering.

"Look, Nova..." he began, refusing to make eye contact with me. "We've been dancing together for a year now and we've never really spent time together outside of the practice room."

"Oh yeah, I guess we haven't," I chuckled awkwardly, wondering where this was heading.

"Erm, so what I'm trying to say is, I really like you, Nova, and was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? I mean you don't have to say yes but it would be great if you were to say yes. Oh my God, I sound so pathetic," he groaned, turning bright red and planting his forehead against the door.

I was surprised by his sudden revelation. We had trained together for a year and he had only just decided to reveal his feelings for me. I suppose I hadn't really spoken about my relationship with Jimin that much because I was sort of possessive over him. I was scared the girls would fall for him; I don't know... I couldn't really blame Dino for shooting his shot.

"Oh," was all I could let out at first. "Dino, that's really sweet of you and I really appreciate you confessing your feelings, but I have a boyfriend... a boyfriend that I'm crazy in love with," I finished with a sympathetic smile.

His cheeks were stained a bright scarlet as he processed my rejection.

Oh God I feel so bad.

"I mean, I would love to go out with you... but I think it would be best as friends," I said slowly, watching his face drop in embarrassment.

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