19 - Toxic

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"I'm heading to the club, babe. See you later," Kai announced, his tone indifferent as he strode purposefully toward the door.

I poked my head up from behind the couch, heart racing, and tried to keep my voice steady. "Oh, I thought maybe we could have a nice night in together?" I was hoping to avoid confrontation.

It had been a whirlwind romance with Kai. I had dated other guys on and off for the past two years, but nothing had lasted. When I met Kai, my whole world turned upside down. He was handsome, smart, and every word he spoke was laced with power and passion. Before I knew it, he had swept me completely off my feet. When we were in each other's presence, nothing else mattered—and that was my downfall.

"You're always at the club and... I just miss you so much!" I whined, my voice tinged with desperation. The need to be in his arms was so intense that it consumed me, but he never seemed to feel the same way.

"I have to go on behalf of my father, babe. As his future successor, it's my duty to attend the events he can't." His excuse sounded rehearsed, but there was no way I was going to start accusing him.

I was desperate for him to choose me, to put me first for once but it was no use. Once Kai had made up his mind there was no way of changing it.

"This club could be Seoul's new hot spot; if I'm seen there people will automatically know it's good." He continued pulling on his leather jacket. "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise," he said with a fragment of sympathy to his voice.

"A hot spot for sex hungry animals..." I muttered.

Throwing his head back in exasperation, he then rolled it around to meet mine. "If it was that kind of club, why would I go if I have you?" His tone was laced with irritation at my accusation. I wasn't stupid, I knew what kind of club it was, and I knew every girl would fall for his charms... because I had fallen once too. I just happened to still be falling.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees, watching as he hovered by the door. He was trying to decide whether or not to stay or go and I was silently willing him to choose me. He knew I was upset; he could see the tears building in my eyes. This is what it always came down to.

"Look, I'll tell you what, Novs," he said coming over to sit on the edge of the sofa, "I'll come home early, and we can watch that new programme you've been wanting to start, sound good?" He was trying, he really was, and I could appreciate that. "I've even got you a little present that you can look forward to opening!"

I laughed, perking up a bit. "Okay, I guess I can wait."

"Don't miss me too much, okay?" he teased, pulling my chin up so I was looking directly into his eyes. "I know once I leave that door, you'll be counting down the seconds till I return; it's not healthy babe." I would have listened to him if it wasn't for the fact that I knew he loved how co-dependent I was.

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