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"Minho the doors are fucking closing!"

Events leading up to this moment had not been as great as Echo would have liked it to be. Her, Minho, and Alby had run into the maze to retrace Ben's footsteps, but they had encountered a griever. At first, it had looked to be dead, it was laying on the floor lifeless as Echo and Minho insisted on Alby not to get so close, Alby, however, had ignored them, to learn more on what they were up against, once he had gotten close enough the griever sprang to its metal feet and stung the leader of the gladers. The griever tried to attack again, first Minho and then Echo, they had both taken hits, Echo was quite aggressively thrown to one of the walls, causing injury to her back and Minho to his head. The griever eventually stopped coming after them, why it had stopped was unknown to them, but they were exceptionally lucky that it had.

Now, Echo and Minho were struggling to keep Alby upright, trying to reach the doors before they closed but it was getting late and with every step they took, the harder it was to move. Minho grunted as Alby fell to the floor once again, they were all drained. She used what was left of her strength, to stand, to help Minho pick up Alby but the doors were now closing, and as they finally had reached the opening, Alby dropped to the floor again, Echo along with him. They could hear the shouts and screams of the gladers at the end, the doors were beginning to close.

"Echo you need to go, you can make it." Minho broke out.

"I'll get stuck in between but thanks for the suggestion," She grunted and looked up at him while trying to pick up Alby again. "And I know I find you annoying, but I would never go that low to leave you here, by yourself." Minho sighed at the comment.

She looked back into the glade for what she thought was going to be the last time, hearing her name being called by the one awfully familiar voice. Newt was standing at the opening of the doors, shouting out her name while being held back by several gladers. She was grateful they didn't let him go for her, if one of them were to live, it had to be him.

She looked at him with eyes torn with sympathy, regret. She wouldn't let a tear full although she could practically feel the burning lump in her chest growing deeper and deeper, she would not allow him to remember her with a water-stricken face. Instead, she smiled softly, a beautifully placid smile, one that Newt would not so simply forget.

Just as the doors had nearly shut, she heard the gladers shouting a name, she furrowed her brows as she saw Thomas running through the now small gap in between the doors, landing messily on the floor as the doors shut behind him.

Minho stood up, putting his hands on his knees, "Well done, you just killed yourself."

"What?" Thomas spoke wide-eyed.

"Thomas, what the actual hell were you thinking?" She took slower breathes, "Now we're all dead, supposedly." She turned her head back to Minho.

"Definitely dead." Minho corrected.

"I wasn't just going to leave you two in here," Thomas stood, looking at the ground to where Alby was laying unconscious. "And what happened to Alby?"

"He's been stung." Echo mumbled.

"Hate to break it to you, but you probably should have left us, now four will die instead of three." Minho spoke while Echo shakily stood up from the ground, brushing herself off.

"Could we please stop talking about dying and perhaps start thinking of a way on how to actually live through this." She turned to them both.

"Yeah we should leave now, the maze will be changing soon." Minho spoke while setting off to leave.

"What about Alby?" Echo asked, motioning at the body.

"What do you suppose we do with him?" Minho groaned.

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