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It had been four days since Echo had first arrived in the glade, so by now she had tried four different jobs. These consist of a slicer, builder, cook, and med-jack. She didn't find these jobs too difficult, they were more tedious and repetitive than anything. One job forever until they find a way out was not ideal, but she didn't try to complain, everyone in the glade was to do their part to help, and so was she. She was still, however, lacking in knowledge about the maze encircling them.

Having a shower had been a strenuous encounter, there was a small minority of gladers who had other intentions about there being a new girl amongst them, so Newt had stood outside the showers in an attempt to ensure that no one would try anything while Echo was showering. She had found out Newt was second in command, which made more sense as to why the other gladers appeared to respect and listen to him more.

She had become more familiar with Newt and chuck in the past few days, along with Minho, an Asian boy who looked one or two years older than her, he had short black hair and appeared quite level-headed and she had also met a young boy called Frypan who cooked the meals for the gladers. Echo had talked to several other gladers who were actually surprisingly nice and some had a spite of humour. It was enrapturing to see most of these boys who had been stuck in the glade for months, years for some of them, still have a positive attitude to life, considering the circumstances.

Echo was now sitting in in front of a tree, it was morning, and she was eating some breakfast that involved some slightly burnt toast and a bottle of water. Her hair was tied in a long braid resting on one of her shoulders, a few lose strands falling across her face as she finished of her food. Today, she would be spending time with Minho, the leader of the runner's. She was interested in this job, unlike the others. Evidently, they were stuck in the maze, and Chuck had told her the runner's had been trying to find a way for three years now. The maze changes every so often so the runner's go in, to map the route of every way it changes. No Glader who wasn't a runner, was allowed to go into the maze.

She could hear the approaching footsteps on the grass walking towards her, looking up she saw Newt had come and sat besides her.

"Hello Newt." she turned to him.

"Why do I get the feeling you're actually excited to do the runner job," He said with an eyebrow raised.

"Not even a hello?" She responded.

"Sorry, hello Echo." He said while rolling his eyes but letting a slight smile creep out.

"Anyway, what do you mean excited?" She said while setting her water bottle down on the other side of her.

"Well, for starters, you got up earlier, and for the past few days you have been late for most of the jobs."

"I want to see what's out there since it's troubling you guys so much that you won't care to tell me anything about the so-called "bad things" Chuck had mentioned the other day." She spoke.

"Chuck wasn't supposed to say that, and anyway I'm here to tell you about it now,"

"I'm waiting," She fell back into the tree trunk behind her.

He gave her a dismissive blink before continuing.

"Outside the glade, there are these things, we call them grievers, no one has actually lived to tell about them but as far as we know, their dangerous and their only motive is to kill. We've lost a lot of people to them. So far, we know they only come out at night,"

"You're joking right," Looking at him with eyes widened.

"Nope. You still sure of wanting to become a runner?" He retorted.

"Well yes actually, you said they only come out at night, and runner's only go out during the day so what's your point," She clenched her jaw slightly.

By the way Newt was describing these grievers, they sounded like imperatively daunting creatures and did not want to have the experience of seeing one of them. However, she did still want to get outside the glade. One very small part of her actually did want to see one of them for herself, but that was just her curiosity spiking in. Seeing a deadly creature like that would not be interesting to look at, more just.. threatening.

"The maze is dangerous, Echo." He spoke more sternly.

"I know, and I'll be fine whether I get the job or not."

She hadn't noticed Minho running up to them while she was speaking, Newt had looked, concerned? or maybe just doubted her a little.

"Hey greenie get up, we gotta get you to start running!" He shouted from a short distance.

"Well good luck with that," He grinned while standing up and holding out his hand for Echo to reach.

She took it and looked back at Minho and then back at Newt briefly.

"Bye Newt." She smiled slightly whilst running towards Minho.

Once she had caught up with him, he started to tell her what the runner's do.

"We pick the fastest people to become runner's but honestly, most of these shanks get tired after the first five minutes which is not helpful." He motioned to the other runner's who looked to be half stretching and half just talking amongst themselves.

"How fun." She mumbled.

"Anyway, one hundred laps to the end of the wall and back, GO."

"What? like now?" Echo looked at him oddly.

"yes now." he pushed her lightly.

She started running towards the wall, warm air bit her lungs as she continued, pacing so she wouldn't get out of breath too fast. After her 30th lap, she was beginning to feel the signs of exhaustion, but she continued, adrenaline coursing through her veins with every step she took. Running took her mind of a lot of things, it was, in a way, calming for the first 50 laps. After that she could feel a thin layer of sweat covering the nape of her neck, and her muscles were getting tired. Once she had finished the 100th lap, she rushed over for water, drinking the water like she hadn't had a drink in days.

"That was surprisingly good for a greenie, I'll give you that," Minho said as he watched her finish the bottle in just under a minute.

"Thanks." she let out a breath of relief.

"But don't get too comfortable, we still have a lot of work to do yet, Echo."

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