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The Effect

Izuku was disorientated.

It only seemed like a moment ago he'd closed his eyes, accepting of death, only to wake up in the Sports Festival Stadium infirmary. Curtains were closed around him as he sat up.

A groan left his lips as a massive headache fought at him, sending his vision swimming as he blinked furiously.

"Careful dear," Recovery Girl's familiar voice said, undertones of worry in her irritated voice, "You've been out for a while. I don't know what Nezu is thinking every year he holds these things!"

Izuku just stared at his hands. Why were they so small? Why did everything around him seem much bigger than normal?

"Where- when am I?" Izuku asked desperately, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked pleadingly at the woman.

If his question surprised her, Recovery Girl didn't show it, "It's currently the twenty-fifth of May, 2174."

Izuku choked, coughing as tears welled in his eyes. Recovery Girl didn't ask any questions - despite the confusion he could feel radiating off of her - merely gently rubbing his back to help him get some sort of control back.

It took him a while, but eventually, Izuku was able to breathe properly again.

"Sorry," Izuku whispered, his throat too sore for him to even think about lifting his voice to a louder level.

"It's quite alright," Recovery Girl smiled kindly, "But now that you've calmed down, I had to do surgery on your hands-" he blinked when he saw the familiar scars, a small part of Izuku was relieved to see a few other nicks and scrapes that hadn't been from his fight with Todoroki Shoto, "-I won't be able to heal them again, and you'll most likely have chronic pains now and again-"

"Thank you," Izuku smiled at her, stopping her from going on.

"Your welcome, dearie," Recovery Girl said, "But you'll be wanting rest now, especially after your surgery."

Izuku nodded and lay back down.

He was out like a light within moments.

The Sports Festival was pretty much over when Izuku left the infirmary, standing in one of the secluded hallways that let him see Katsuki tied to a post, muzzled in the first place position. Shoto was keeping his head downward in the second place position, with Tokoyami in the third-place position.

Vaguely, he remembered something about Iida being someone who could've taken third-place but couldn't remember why the boy wasn't there now. He had a better chance of winning against Tokoyami, if only because of his speed.

Izuku snapped back to attention when he felt familiar flames. He didn't look at the man who walked up behind him, not even when he stopped to stand beside Izuku to watch the awards ceremony.

All Might handed out the medals and despite himself, flushed and averted his eyes remembering the ship names, something that Endeavor picked up on. He raised a flaming eyebrow.

Izuku didn't answer the silent question, ignoring the number two Pro-Hero to watch as Katsuki thrashed at his restraints.

There was a sadness to the scene in front of them. "Fucking hell," he muttered before sighing to himself. The Commission really wasn't being as subtle as they thought they were.

Endeavor looked directly at him this time, "You remind me of someone..."

Izuku hesitated, looking down at his scarred hands. He shook his head, "You must be thinking of my father," he lied, "He's overseas now-" fireburninghothelp "-in America. The Pro-Hero Dracon."

Endeavor nodded, his eyes moving away from Izuku, "That would... explain."

Izuku gritted his teeth but didn't comment further.

He and Endeavor watched as Katsuki tried to deny his first placing, but All Might ended up just throwing it around the chained boy's neck.

"If you'll excuse me, sir," Izuku gave the Limelight Pro a short bow, "I need to leave."

Endeavor gave him another once over before turning back to the scene in front of them. Taking the obvious dismissal, Izuku escaped while he could.

Izuku couldn't help glancing at his arms as he walked, relieved - despite the strangeness of being in a younger body - to see them ink free, scattered with freckles under scars.

He glanced over his shoulder to look at Enji. A sad sigh leaving his chest as he forced himself to keep moving onwards towards the future.

Those Who Chase the Sun ☀ BNHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang