Chapter One

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Moving Backwards and Forward All at Once

This was not happening.

Izuku was tempted to just scream his frustrations out, but then he'd probably get noticed more than he already had been, and that would be bad .

Trudging around the streets in his Yuuei P.E. uniform that had scorch marks, and was slightly wet, kind of brought attention to Izuku, didn't it? And that's not even counting the fact that he'd appeared in the middle of the street in a flash of yellow light.

He may or may not have been screaming in both surprise and fear.

Now, he was trying to figure out where the hell he'd ended up. The last thing he remembered was Todoroki-kun and he had been fighting, at the Sports Festival, and Izuku had most likely been about to have been knocked out by the explosion that Todoroki's ice and fire had accidentally been creating, then he appeared here.

Thankfully, he was still in Japan - that much was obvious - but the area he was in was completely unfamiliar. Well, maybe not completely...

The buildings around him looked like he'd seen them before, but every time he thought he recognized something, he moved his eyesight slightly and it was like he'd been teleported to another place.

Which was a lie, but it seemed that way for him.

All of a sudden, someone - rude - slammed into Izuku's shoulder, " Freak ," was hissed at him. Izuku didn't even get a chance to see who had spoken.

"Stop mumbling," someone else snapped at him, and Izuku felt his cheeks burn as he made sure to shut his mouth firmly.

"Sorry," Izuku said quietly, ducking his head to watch his - and everyone else's - feet.

It was concerning how many people didn't even stop to ask if he was okay. He was walking here in torn clothes covered in scorch marks. Wouldn't someone see this as odd?

Obviously not.

Anyway, back to the present problem; Izuku still had no idea where he was.

"You're in Musutafu, idiot."

"Oh," Izuku blinked in surprise, "Thanks!"

The stranger scoffed before moving on.

Wait, what?!

Izuku's eyes widened, and he quickly got out of the crowd of walking people. Already feeling the familiarity of a panic attack piling upon him.

He was in Musutafu. How was he in central Musutafu? Why did it look so different to normal?

His body shook as he struggled to breathe, tears falling down his cheeks. His chest burnt as he vaguely gasped for air that refused to go into his lungs. His head spun as he tried to force himself to calm down, shivering in his thin uniform as a burst of air entered the alleyway.

Izuku hated that it'd come to this. Just having a panic attack in a random alleyway, on a cold day, in the P.E. uniform that did nothing to protect him from the elements, and just generally freaking out because he was either in an alternate universe of sorts, or maybe he'd been put in an illusion, or maybe he'd been sent through time - as unlikely as that was - or maybe-

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Izuku's head flew up in surprise when he heard the gruff voice. Red was the first thing he saw through the burning tears in his eyes, "Sorry," he choked out, rubbing at his eyes.

The other person crouched in front of him, "Are you seriously having a panic attack?" the redhead's voice was practically spitting with annoyance.

Izuku didn't answer, just flinching away when the redhead tried to touch his arm.

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