Chapter Eleven

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It's A Work in Progress

In the following months after leaving Yuuei, both Enji and Rei made their debuts as Limelight Pro-Heroes.

Isamu had seen it on the news from his apartment and had instantly stopped what he was doing - going over notes for the Monsutā case - to watch as the two opposite elemental quirk users work together to rescue the hundreds of workers out of a giant office building.

It was terrifying for Isamu to be sitting there watching them, when, in the past, he would have been out there with his friends. His friends who were only eighteen, risking their lives to save people from the falling building.

One of the reasons of how he managed to stay in his apartment instead of sprinting off to go help his brother and friend was the fact that Enji had made him swear not to come out and help unless it was an Earth-ending threat, and that Nikushimi had called him as soon as the broadcast had started, and was now on the phone with Isamu.

"That show-off," Nikushimi grumbled, and Isamu snorted, watching carefully as Enji melted a giant piece of concrete before it could hit him, and the civilians he was carrying.

Isamu snickered as Nikushimi kept calling the redhead names under his breath, "Sounds like someone's jealous," the greenette sang playfully.

"Hey, look, there's Mr. Sonic," Nikushimi easily diverted the conversation, and Isamu paused to try and spot Shun.

And... there! Shun zipped through debris and civilians, his costume had gotten a slight update from just before they left Yuuei; it was more silver and grey rather than the deep red that he'd originally wanted.

(Shun was a big fan of one of those pre-quirk comic book heroes, The Flash.)

Isamu chuckled as Nikushimi grumbled something he couldn't quite catch right when Shun glanced up at the camera that the news outlet was using to record the event and gave them - and consequently, everyone watching - a salute before running off again.

"The joys of being Limelight Heroes," Isamu chuckled, and Nikushimi kept grumbling.

It seemed to take far too long for everything to finish moving.

Isamu wasn't proud to admit it, but he wasn't a fool as to not admit that he let more than a few relieved tears escape his eyes when Enji and Rei finally managed to get everyone with Shun helping, and another Pro-Hero who helped to keep the building as stable as possible with their quirk to assist Enji and Rei.

Nikushimi snorted when the camera-people rushed forward and the reporters stuffed their microphones towards Enji and Rei.

Their white-haired friend didn't show much of her displeasure, letting a warm smile on her face as she answered the question all the while Enji was scowling at them all; gruffly answering questions when they were directed at him, but otherwise, he just kept his distance from the nosey people.

The next day, the newspapers would all have various headlines that followed the same description; (New Pro-Hero Duo) Endeavor and Verglas save the day!

Nikushimi and Isamu's career debuts were a little more on the down-low compared to their Limelight friends.

Nikushimi wasn't on the majority of cases that Isamu managed to get put onto - by sheer dumb luck, his glowing recommendation from Nezu, Hinata-sensei and, from all the Pro's he worked with during his last internship, and his amazing tendencies to annoy the fuck out of the police captain to allow him onto cases, oh, and his analytic mind that helped solve cases faster than an entire mass of people - but the purple-haired male didn't let that discourage him from aiming to catch up with Isamu.

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