Chapter Two

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Business is Blooming

Waking up the next morning, Izuku just snuggled back down into the blankets, avoiding the sun that darted under the curtains of the room that Enji had let him use the night before-

Izuku sat up in an instant, eyes wide as he looked around the room that wasn't his bedroom. He then groaned and dropped his head into his waiting hands.

He'd forgotten in the small moments that he'd just woken up in. Wasn't that a mood-killer?

Izuku slid out of the bed, and avoided looking at his destroyed P.E. uniform that was still on the floor - Izuku was considering asking Enji to just burn it. It wasn't as if the pieces of cloth were going to be much use in the state that they were in - and just forced his body to relax as she started doing stretches in the shirt and shorts that Enji had given him to wear to bed.

Stretching his arms above his head, Izuku quickly ran through the things he knew.

He was in the year 2145, he had identification that meant that he "belonged" here, he was currently in the house of his classmate's younger father's family, he had met aforementioned classmate's mother and father, he now had some sort of control over his quirk, and he was going to probably be stuck in this time for a while. At least until he figured out how to get back to his own time.

And Izuku had no idea how to do that, so he was stuck here for an unknown amount of time. Fun!

Izuku wished that he had a notebook and pen right now. Anything to get his thoughts out in front of him.

He shook out his arms and dared to venture out into the rest of the house.

Enji's parents hadn't gotten back home the night before, and redhead didn't seem care as he showed Izuku where the bathroom was - the one closest to the room he was borrowing to sleep in - where the kitchen was, and then where Enji's room was in case Izuku needed something from the other boy during the night.

But Enji had been highly sceptical of that, pointing out that he'd be up at around five-thirty for training anyway.

(But he hadn't gotten to know how Izuku would stay up into the early mornings, streaming videos of Heroes fights so that he could analyse them, how he'd be up at six am anyway because he had to keep up with the day.)

His feet were quiet as he went into the kitchen barefoot, green eyes looking around the room once before he left to go find the redhead who had given him a place to stay - even if it was only temporary - who would most likely be in the training room.

It was harder for Izuku to find his way in the light - having it been night when Enji had taken him inside the main house - of day, but he managed when he heard massive blasts of air, and could actually feel the temperature rising the closer he got to the training room.

Okay, so Izuku said that it was a room, but it was actually a seperate part of the house that had been altered into a training building/house for Enji to practice in. Izuku assumed that it was because in case Enji accidentally set the whole thing on fire - no matter how fireproof it was - that the main house didn't get burnt down as well.

Which, fair enough.

When Izuku opened the door to the training room, a massive flood of heat rushed out into the cool morning air. Izuku barely got a chance to breathe before he had to duck to avoid a stream of flames that had been aimed right at his head.

When he managed to open his eyes, he spotted a fairly nonchalant Enji - it was only his years of practice of reading Kacchan and rest of his bullies' body language that let him notice that the fire quirk user was slightly fearful for Izuku - in the middle of the training room.

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