Chapter Twelve

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Too Much To Do; Too Little Time

Todoroki Natsu was born on the first of July, three years after his older sister, and five years after his older brother.

Isamu got to keep watch over Toya and Fuyumi in the waiting room - now that both children were old enough to not throw a massive fuss while waiting for their parents - of the hospital and were more than capable enough to control any accidental fires or ice accidents.

The redheaded five-year-old boy had gotten better control over his quirk while his sister had only just started being able to actively use and stop her own quirk.

Isamu chuckled when Fuyumi frosted over Toya's hair and the boy grumbled at her. The girl giggled as she played with the frosted red locks, and turquoise eyes softened slightly when Toya's eyes met his sister's blue-grey ones.

"Silly 'Yumi," Toya poked his tongue out at her.

Fuyumi poked her tongue back at him, "S'eanie!"

Isamu chuckled again, "Be nice you two."

They both turned to him with matching expressions, "No!"

Isamu laughed, and he could hear a few other people laughing at them as well. Ah, to be young and happy.

(Isamu could only wish that his childhood had been the same)

Isamu often found himself going through old motions, drifting through Hero Forums and mingling with others on the various servers he had to create a new account for.

All Might was a hot topic between various users, discussing what his quirk was, and talking about the recently appointed Number One Pro's latest villain takedowns.

He chucked in his own input here and there, but mostly kept to himself; especially when it came to talking about All Might- Yagi-san's quirk. Firstly, because it was not his right to expose a secret that Yagi-san hadn't told Isamu , and secondly, One for All and All for One was a complicated history that the public didn't need to know.

It was only when he noticed his name - His actual name rather than his Pro name - pop up that he got curious.

Apparently, one of the users had gone through old Sports Festival recordings and made the comparison of Isamu quirk being all too similar to All Might's quirk. Minus the lightning and stuff that Isamu let off.

(Isamu was extremely glad that he'd managed to hide his extra quirks under things that Energy Flow could legally do)

He choked when someone mentioned ship names .

What. The. Fuck.

PowerPair, Green-Might, All-Lightning, Superduo, Mysterious-two(because no one knew where Isamu had gone after Yuuei, and no one knew All Might's name), and Isamu wanted to die .

He knew that his face had probably gone bright red. Isamu made a noise that he wasn't sure could pass for a human noise, and had to turn off his phone to avoid looking at it.

What the fuck was wrong with people?! Sure, they didn't know how Isamu viewed the man - as a teacher/mentor/older figure to look up to, especially since Isamu had come from the future where All Might was even more respected and revered than in the current time - but would the general public take his own options into thought?

Hell, Isamu is Enji's (adopted) brother! The brother to the Number Two Pro, who just so happened to have such a big rivalry against All Might - not that Isamu thought that Yagi-san knew it - and hadn't really interacted with the Number One Pro other than in a group with the rest of his friends.

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