He'd never get used to having so many people looking at him. Being quirkless for fifteen years had taught him to never actively seek out attention, so when he'd gone to Yuuei the first time - in his present/in the future - it had been terrifying when people stopped to look at Izuku just because he had the Yuuei Heroics uniform on.

Even now, being in the spotlight just because he was friends with Enji and Rei, Izuku felt uncomfortable every time he felt other people watching them. He half expected someone to suddenly storm up to them and demand to know why quirkless deku was talking with such a successful family's heir, but then he'd remember that he had a quirk and that even if someone did do that, Enji and Rei would be quick to his defense.

And the fact that no one knew he had been quirkless before receiving One for All from All Might also reassured him.

Izuku felt that the lunch break finished sooner than it should've, but he followed his friends as the four of them left the cafeteria.

The auditorium was slowly being filled up by teenagers, but Izuku Was quick to notice that there were less than before.

Most likely because there were people who only needed the written exams, which was what Management and some branches of support had. The support course that Rei was trying to join was one that worked closely with the combat-based Heroics course, so she and others aiming for that course would be taken to a seperate area than those aiming for combat-based heroics or stealth-based heroics.

Vertigal was there again to tell everyone where to go, and they were patient to allow everyone to come in slowly. But as soon as the clock hit one, Vertigal started speaking. Anyone else who came in, were quietly told by those sitting at the sides of the assembled students to find a seat.

Izuku waved to Rei when she got up to leave with the rest of the support students, and she smiled at him before patting Enji's shoulder as she left. Izuku noticed that Shun didn't seem that put-off from not getting a "good luck" from Rei, but he supposed that would only be logical. Afterall, the three of them had only known Shun for a day. Less than that, actually.

Vertigal explained the Rescue portion of the exam, and they narrowed their eyes on the teenagers as they warned the teenagers that the "actors" were real in all but code. If there were any damages to the expensive 'bots, then those expenses would be sent to the parents of the teenager who caused it.

Several people gulped, and that earned some sniggers from others.

Izuku just glanced over to Enji who rolled his eyes, making Izuku smile in amusement.

Lists of various Rescue areas were projected onto the wall behind Vertigal. Izuku was quick to find his name in Area C, then grinned when he spotted Enji's name a bit further down.

Shun sighed, "Looks like we won't be doing the physical together," he frowned and Izuku patted his shoulder.

"Text me when you finish," Izuku all but demanded, "I want to know how you go."

Shun snorted, but nodded, "Sure, Greenie," he grinned, "Good luck for your exam."

"You too!" Izuku chirped as Enji grabbed his arm to pull him away.

Izuku was glad that Enji had insisted on loose, but comfortable clothing for today. The horrible sweatsuit that he'd worn for the first time he'd done the Yuuei entrance exam had actually hindered his ability to move, at least in comparison to the polyester grey shorts and red t-shirt.

He'd been embarrassed at first in the morning before they left for Yuuei, to find that Enji had a grey t-shirt on and shorts that went orange to red at the ends to be Izuku's "matching" partner.

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