lii. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛-𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the PA system began speaking in a foreign language. Evelyn could hear the words loud and clear, and so could Bucky. Bucky sighed, tightening his hold on her. "They're evacuating the airport," he said tightly.

"Stark," Sam decided.

"Stark?" Scott asked with wide eyes.

"Suit up," Steve told them.

Evelyn and Wanda went into the van first as she quickly changed into her fighting outfit. Wanda watched the woman after she was placing her leather jacket on. Evelyn turned with a wary smile to the witch.


"Don't let anyone stand in your way to clear his name. You both have been through enough," she said firmly.

Evelyn froze as she placed the device on her head. She gulped and nodded. "I won't. W-We deserve peace."

Wanda nodded. "So, don't stop until you get it."

Evelyn squeezed Wanda's hand once before opening the van to see Bucky in a completely different outfit. His metal arm was on full display, and she approached him carefully. She brushed a strand of hair from his eyes.

"We'll be okay."

"I hope so," Bucky murmured back.

Steve smiled at them as he watched Clint open his hand to reveal their communication devices. "Ear," he told Bucky who nodded once at the archer. Bucky hesitated before placing it securely in his ear, watching his wife do the same.

Steve made sure they were all ready before saying, "Barton, go up top with Wanda. Wait for my signal. Sam, you take Eve and Bucky through the terminal. All eyes to search for their Quinjet." Steve glanced at Scott. "Go time."

Scott turned small right before their eyes, climbing onto Steve's shield in case.

Bucky grabbed Evelyn's hand as they took off after Sam, worry evident in her eyes. Sam was grinning a bit as they made it to a window, seeing Tony and Rhodey in their Iron Man and War Machine suits.

"I see two," Sam told Evelyn and Bucky. Bucky rolled his eyes at his words when they could all clearly see the two.

"There's got to be more," Evelyn murmured as Steve spoke to the best friends in front of him. "Nat's on their side. I have no doubt T'Challa is hiding."

She was right as T'Challa and Natasha made themselves known. Bucky frowned, thinking of the man who thought he killed his father. Bucky had done some horrible things, but he owned them. He remembered every person he had been forced to brutally murder. He did not want to add anyone else to that list.

Evelyn felt Bucky tense up. She turned to look at him with a smile as she leaned forward to kiss him firmly on the mouth. "Calm down," she whispered.

"You two are sickening," Sam teased just as Tony yelled, "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!"

Evelyn's eyes widened at the sight of a red and blue suited masked figure. "All right. So far we have five. We beat them seven to five."

Sam used Redwing to find the quinjet, cheering happily when he was finally able to locate it. "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."

Steve's hands were bonded together with something, but he rose his hands with a smirk on his face. "All right, Lang." Clint shot an arrow to release Steve's hands just as Scott became big again and handed Steve his shield after knocking the Spider-ling out.

"Cat's out of the bag. We gotta move," Evelyn chirped, grabbing Bucky's hand as they took off running as she saw Rhodey look directly at them.

They were getting far when the Spider-thing landed on the window on the outside. Evelyn pushed harder to get them out of there as Bucky yelled, "What the hell is that?"

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam growled out.

Evelyn yelped as the Spider-person swung straight through the glass on some type of string. He kicked Sam right into Evelyn. Bucky did not like that, so he went to punch the Spider-irritation—the Spider caught his arm causing Evelyn and Bucky's eyes to widen.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!" The Spider-KID said causing Evelyn to feel slight guilt as she suddenly did a roundhouse kick that sent him flying right into Sam. Sam took off flying with the Spider-child attached to him. "You have the right to remain silent!" Sam shoved him to the ground, but he went after him.

Evelyn wiped her face with narrowed eyes. How could Tony bring a kid to a fight? Bucky and Evelyn ran after the Aggravating Spider and Sam, Bucky moving to separate as Evelyn jumped midair to land on the kid as he swung. They both rolled to the ground as the slits of his eyes widened at the malice in her eyes.

"You need to get out of here before you're hurt," she snarled. "You don't understand, but this is a lot bigger than what you're aware of."

He sent webs at her, but she used her Stark helmet to have a ray of light singe them before they landed on her. "I'm sorry... Mr. Stark said you'd be really defensive about this."

"Did he?" Evelyn asked, punching him in the side. He swung to dodge her next hit as he stared at her from afar. He threw a piece of rubble at her, and she was lucky Bucky ran in front of her to stop it with his hand, glaring at the kid.

"So, like, uh... you and... you and the metal guy are together? You make a great couple," the kid stammered as Bucky sent a larger piece of rubble that should have taken him out.

"Oh god," the kid said as he dodged it. Bucky pushed Evelyn out of the way just as the kid yelled, "Hey buddy, I think you lost this!" and proceeded to almost take Bucky's head off.

Evelyn's eyes narrowed, but before she could fight him, Sam flew in to kick him off the beam. The kid managed to web Sam to the railing as he stood on the wall as if it was nothing.

"Those wings carbon fiber?" he asked out of curiosity.

Evelyn saw Bucky steaming. "Don't hurt him too bad," she murmured. "He's a kid."

Bucky began to rush toward Sam and the Irritating Spider.

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked with wide eyes.

The kid continued his rant about the wings. "That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man."

Sam glared at him. "I don't know if you've been a fight before but there's usually not this much talking."

He aimed his wrist at Sam again as he laughed softly. "All right, sorry, my bad." Bucky managed to knock the kid away just as he and Sam went crashing through the glass and onto the floor below. Evelyn rushed forward, landing on the same web the kid was on. She kicked his shoulder to make him lose his grip. He glanced up and his eyes went wide at her as she pulled out a knife and cut the web. The kid went flying down. He quickly sent webs to Sam and Bucky—on Bucky's metal arm. It was to keep them from helping Evelyn.

Evelyn refused her gun, but she did not hesitate with her knife skills. She managed to cut his arm, wincing as she watched him falter. This felt wrong. She jumped to wrap her legs around his neck as she took him to the ground. "Go home," she told him. He knocked his head back, and she found herself flying down a floor, landing on her back with a loud grunt leaving her lips. Bucky growled out in anger as Evelyn arched her back in pain. She felt a web land on each of her arms.

"Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, l'm really sorry," he said as he prepared to shoot another round of webs. Evelyn sighed out in relief when Redwing flew it and dragged Peter through the glass wall—hitting his back in the process.

Bucky groaned out, "You couldn't have done that earlier?"

"I hate you."

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