Chapter #18

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I'd forgotten what it felt like to be singled out. I knew I was lucky to be popular, I just didn't realize how lucky I was until I wasn't.

I am a pretty, pureblooded, rich Slytherin. I had expectations, and stereotypes. Of course I couldn't give two fucks about what people thought of me but it kind of stung to hear the insults my classmates flung at me.

Somehow everyone knew about Romeo. I would get so angry whenever someone would comment about him.

None of them even knew him.

How could people make assumptions about people they've never even met before?

Pansy would sort of mother me by defending me, or covering my ears sarcastically whenever people would say things.

Obviously I couldn't be angry about what everyone was saying in front of them all, so I saved it all for Pansy when we would talk at night.

I've tried to avoid Malfoy, again. He'd only given me small glares. He had a fight in the courtyard with someone after they tried to bother me.

He'd been out of school this entire week. And this Friday seemed to drag out compared to the rest.

I walked slowly across the corridor and sat on the floor. Opening my spell book I started to read through the chapters. I found school so dull and boring recently, maintaining my focus became a struggle.

I felt my mind become frustrated while trying to read a spell. "Why are these damn things so hard to pronounce! Aren't they supposed to be easy to cast!"

"No, they're actually here to torture you."

I recognized his voice immediately, smiling as soon as he came into view I closed my book as he sat next to me.

"How are you?"

"Fine." I smiled.

"A bit more than fine, I see." His smile made my body want to melt into the floor.

Watching him wait for me only made me fall deeper and deeper for him.

"Haven't gotten your exam results back yet, have you?"

"No. I think Umbridge is holding them from me for suspense."

He laughed and toyed with a ring he had on his finger.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Don't worry, there's one for you too." He smiled, sliding a small ring from his scarlet robes and presenting it to me.

"You're too sweet, Potter." I smiled, slipping the small silver ring on my finger.

"Well, you're smiling so I'm doing something right."

"I guess so... are you alright?"


"I mean, are we alright?"

"You're asking if I forgive you?"

"You don't have to, Harry, honestly. I don't want to force you. And what I did, it's horrible. I'm horrible."

"You're not. You're the opposite."

"I'm sorry-"

"Why are you apologizing, Y/n?"

"Because I feel like I did something wrong here. Obviously I did. But I mean I did something beside that."

"You're just fine, Y/n."

I looked over to him and felt my lips softly press together.

"Why are you making that face?"

I smiled into his shoulder.

"Sorry." I laughed.

Laughing with someone you enjoy having around was rare for me. My mother had always told me to laugh quietly, quickly and dignified. So laughing uncontrollably with people like Pansy, Blaise, or Harry, made me feel a little more open.

"Don't get me in trouble for this. You are touching me."

"Shit." I leaned up from him.

"That was hardly a sneak-peek!" He laughed, looking over to him playfully I scoffed.

"Your asking for a sneak-peek?"

"No- although I wouldn't hate one- you don't have to." He stuttered his words as I smiled over to him.

"A small glimpse. Just a tiny one." I squinted my eyes as I closed my index finger and my thumb together.

Moving over to him I smiled softly into his lips, repeating and coming back into him as his hands cupped my face. My stomach twisted as he leaned farther into me and I could feel my hearts beats so distinctively. Completely closing the space between us I turned the rest of my body to him, snaking my hands around his neck as his explored my body.

My skin tingled at his touch, even through my clothing. And all I could think of was ways I could be even closer to him.

My mind foggy with him I smiled as he pulled my face away with his hands.

"You're so..." He paused and admired me, I felt my cheeks get hot as he smiled to himself. "Beautiful."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling, using my hands to cover my face I smiled into them. I was so embarrassed to blush like this in front of him.

He pulled my hands down softly, "Stop being embarrassed you're perfect!" He laughed.

"Shut up!" I looked down, my chest fluttered as his skin met mine.

Pulling me tightly into another kiss I let him push me down and felt myself slowly plop onto the floor.

We both smiled as his full, strong structure towered over me. His hands on either side of me as his hair dropped from his head I took a second to admire him.

His arms held his weight perfectly as their veins became more visible. His knee sitting perfect between my legs I felt myself throbbing against it. I pulled my hand up to twist his hair into place, then placing it on his soft cheek I gave a small smirk.

"Oh pretty boy, what am I gonna do with you?" I smiled and stretched my hand down to his solid jaw, pulling him down to meet my lips I wrapped my arms around him. Feeling his essence as I smiled and giggled at every separation.

"Interesting position to find you in...
Y/n...?" A foreign voice called above us. At first, my mind wondered why we were always interrupted then it began to spin as I stared into the eyes above us.

His expression was surprised, and honestly he wore a look of stern disapproval with it. And he was so familiar, I couldn't put my finger on it.

He looked too much like me, his facial structure was so similar to mine it was frightening. And I couldn't stop my mind from racing with... everything.


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