Chapter #7

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Walking into Dumbledores office, I got a cold chill. I looked around at the paintings, the trophies, the decorations. I'd seen it all before but it got more and more beautiful each time.

"Y/n." He said and motioned for me to sit.

"Yes? Sorry, lovely office here headmaster."

"I know." He sat and he looked at me,
"Y/n, you're not a violent student. May I ask what forced you to be today?"

"Well, Astoria decided to say things about me behind my back, I had to do something professor!"

"Violence is never the answer."

"But it can be?"

"I can read minds Miss y/l/n, I already know what this is really about."

"You can -- read my mind?"


"Well -- GET OUT OF THERE!" I was afraid he'd see what happened in the hospital wing.

"It's alright y/n, no judgment. Absolutely none. Malfoys have always been that... influential on our young girls here at Hogwarts."

Shit, embarrassing. This is fucking embarrassing. Get out of my head, Dumbledore — you creep.

"I remember when Narcissa Malfoy, well Black at the time, was here in that exact chair for the exact same reason."

"Narcissa Malfoy?" I sat straight in my chair, "She was in a fight? With whom?"

"I cannot reveal such a thing to one of my students, Y/n." He stood from his chair and paced.

"Right, sorry." I sat back, curious.

"As for your punishment Miss y/l/n..."

"What about Greengrass? She started it."

"Well from the information we gathered from Miss Chang, you started this quarrel Miss y/l/n."


"Don't get any ideas y/n. Miss Greengrass will be punished accordingly. Now, this will go on your permanent record and we'll be forced to contact your mother. And you will have to study in your dormitory for the next week."

"My mother won't care." I got up to leave.

"Your mother used to be quite the teachers per, till she met your father. He was no good for her."

Father. Come again, father?

"You know who my father is?" I turned around and stared at Dumbledore.

"My apologies, I believe you were on your way out." He motioned his hand towards the door and I continued walking outside his office. How do you just talk about my absent father that I've never really met and then just tell me to leave?

"Nosy Dumbledore. He just wants to know the drama between students."
I mumbled, and was startled by a quick grab of my shoulder

"Are you serious?!" I turned around, ready to slap whoever had grabbed me, but a quick relief waved over my body as I stared up to him. Then I felt angry.

"You fought Greengrass?! What is wrong with you, Y/n. Are you alright?" He grabbed my face.

"Get off me!" I pushed Malfoys hand away, "It's because of you." I began walking away.

"Y/n get back here!" He gripped my wrist tightly.

"Leave me alone! Don't you understand, I don't want to be yours anymore."


"Yeah, anymore. In case you didn't notice, I fancied you before you even realized girls existed, and now I'm losing. Because of you."

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