Chapter #3

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"Welcome to class..." he took his famous pause, "Students." Professor Snape welcomed us in, Slytherins and Gryffindors, and we all found our seats quickly.

"Blimey, Umbridge is making me wish that Voldemort would've killed me when he had the bloody chance." Harry put his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"Well that's... vulgar." I added in. "Slytherins haven't had dark arts today yet."

"When do you have it?" He turned around, dark circles under his eyes. Clearly, he'd been losing sleep.

"Erm..." I opened my books to find my schedule. "Next period actually, with Ravenclaws. Harry, are you alright? You don't look your best."

"Oh yeah, y/n. I'm... fine. Great." He took a sharp breath and smiled weakly.

"Potter! Leave the girl alone would you." He laughed, "Mind you, she's a Slytherin."

"Shut your mouth Malfoy. She was only asking a question." Harry snapped back, narrowing his eyes.

"Is that so? Y/n? You fancy Gryffindors now?" His sat down in the chair next to me and turned his gaze to me. I could feel myself getting hot, which I classified as anger.

"Asking a bloody question has nothing to do with who I fancy. And why wouldn't I be into Gryffindors? They're hot. Every last time of them." I said calmly, proud of myself for not losing my temper.

"Y/n!?" Hermione laughed. Ron widened his eyes and scratched his head.

"Cmon? Am I-" I was interrupted.

"Close to getting a weeks detention if you don't shut your trap?" He opened my book for me. "Yes."

"Sorry professor." I shifted my eyes to my books. "Where's Pansy?" I mumbled, looking around. She rushed in, fixing her tie and breathing heavily.

"Get up Malfoy." She huffed.

"First come, first serve. Get out of here Parkinson." He sat back, putting his hands behind his head.

"She's my best friend. Get your ass up and move next to Zabini or so help me Malfoy I will- "

"Alright! I'm leaving. What's got your wand in a knot?" He grabbed his books, and quickly moved next to Blaise.

"What the hell happened to you?" I whispered.

"Welcome to class, Ms. Parkinson. I'd hope attending Hogwarts four years prior would help you memorize your schedule!" He snapped.

"Yes. Deeply sorry. Got distracted. It'll never happen again professor." She fixed her hair and opened her book.

"Pansy. What happened?" I whispered. She blushed and hid her smile.

"I'll um... I'll tell you later." She continues writing whatever Snape said, smiling down at her paper as she did.

I sat my feather down and reached my arms up to stretch. We'd been writing for almost forty-five minutes straight now.

"Psst!" I heard to my left. "Y/n." I looked around and saw Draco, pointing to a ball of parchment in his hand and raising his brows. 'No. Draco Malfoy don't you dare!' I mouthed. He smiled widely and threw the parchment at my head. Snape turned his head around and I snapped my hand behind my back, clutching the note.

"I'm going to murder you in your sleep, Malfoy." I whispered. He put his finger next to the corner of his mouth and smirked. I unfolded the parchment ball and laid it flat on the desk. In the note it read,

Meet me in the astronomy tower at 11 o'clock sharp, tonight ;)

- yo pimp"

I licked my lips and slowly turned my head towards Malfoy, my eyebrows furrowed. "Yo... pimp...?" I whispered slowly to him. He held in his laugh and raised his eyebrows. I laughed slightly, "No way." I smiled.

"Please." He sarcastically pouted slightly.

"No. That's weird. Us alone in the astronomy tower, is weird. I can't go through with it." I tried to focus on my work, when another piece of parchment hit my head.

"Really?" I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrows. I opened the second piece of parchment and it said,


I felt my stomach get hot, and my knees go weak. I started panicking, my breathing got faster and faster. My fingers started shaking.

"Um fine." I blurted quickly to Draco. "Professor? May I use the restroom?"

"Quickly." Snape rolled his eyes and flicked his hand in the direction of the classroom door.

I practically sprinted out the classroom and down to girls restroom. As soon as i got in I went to the sink and splashed cold water on my face. "Draco Malfoy..." I whispered to myself. "You fucking idiot!" I slammed my hands against the sink and starting pacing, my head in my hands.

I leaned my back against the cold wall, as started to hit my head with my hands. Harder, and harder. "Fuck." I hit myself so hard I got a headache. I got up, rinsed my face once more, and found myself staring in the mirror. I was pretty this way, after hurting myself, I felt pretty. What was wrong with me? I blinked back my tears and clipped my hair back into place. It took a few deep breathes, but I managed to head back to class.

"Are you thick? No. Just don't go." I mumbled, rushing through the halls. "Don't get caught up with Malfoy, you know he's trouble. And he's bad for you
y/n, you know that. You told yourself you would never think of him this way ever again after that night." I glanced down to my wrist, ashamed, I jabbed my sleeve back down and wiped tears before they fell. I was walking with my head down, watching my feet put one in front of the other as I walked, and suddenly-

"AH!, sorry! Right in the- Y/n?" He rubbed his head and looked down at me.

"Neville... erm- hi,"

"Hey," He continued rubbing the back of his head slightly and smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I- " I huffed. "I was trying to get back to potions y'know? But my head was jus-"

"Y/n? Are you alright?" I felt my legs go weak beneath me and struggled to keep my eyes open. I squinted and tried to breathe through my nose, but I felt myself losing balance. "Y/N! OH MY G- "

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