Chapter 11 what's the ritual?

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Namjoon and jungkook went to their priest he was very old man he had so many powers and he loves namjoon alot. He was known for being so cold and cruel. Namjoon and jungkook bowed as he gestures them to speak up as he was still writing something on his very ancient book. Namjoon started to explain but when he heard it was male he stopped his pen as he looked up at jungkook.

Priest: "So he's in love with a human male ?"

Namjoon: " yes and he claims to love him  and wants him to turn into our kind"

Priest: " I'm not sure if his love's true"

Jungkook: " indeed it is I can prove " jungkook bowed as he realized may be he sounded disrespectful.

Priest: " well we will see in the ritual. We need few things I'll write them for you and you young Vampire make sure your lover is immune to blood. I want his blood and his hair. There will be 3 days rituals"

Namjoon: "what's the first one ? "

Priest: " first ritual will be his first glass of blood take him to the ritual room and call all Vampires we have to keep reciting spells until he finishes his first glass, second ritual will be giving him bath in goat's blood and third will be Sex. Jungkook has to go rough until that boy bleeds.

Jungkook: " l-last one sounds painful can we skip that one ? " Jungkook was getting nervous.

Priest: " all rituals have to be done in front of us spells are long in last one only especial members will attend and we can not skip any part."

Namjoon: " Thank you so much we get it " namjoon bowed as he ask jungkook to bow and leave as they were living priest stopped them.

Priest: "first ritual will be tonight after 12:00 am make sure to arrange everything." Namjoon bowed as jungkook sighed.

They decided to go back to home namjoon called jin who was with tae for the whole time namjoon told him everything and Jin was kinda feeling sad for tae.

Jin: 'Jungkook are you sure you really wanna do that ? "

Jungkook: " yeah I've to if I think about his comfort then I have to give up on him and I'll be broken. 2 rituals are not that painful I'm just confused how to make him bleed during sex ? "

Namjoon:  " Go harder use all your strength tae look fragile he will bleed soon."

Jin; " how about bite him during sex? "

Namjoon: " no love he has to bleed from that part we need that blood"

Jungkook: " in front of everyone that's most hard thing, it's harder than making him bleed. "

Jin: " after causing him that much harm I don't think he'd love you the same..."

Jungkook: " I'll love him so hard that he'll forget about everything." Namjoon patted jungkook's back.

Jin: " Jungkook go give him some support ,show some love I don't know how you gonna manage him there it's all scary for him. "

Jungkook: "my heart is breaking too but I can't let my feelings be my weakness."

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