chapter 06 Is it love ?

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Tae was lying down thinking about hana she was brilliant in studies and love playing piano she had so many dreams just like him as he was deeply thinking tae's door knocked he looked at his door it was jungkook standing there with a smile. Tae sat down as he asked him to come in jungkook nodded his head as he sat down next to tae.

Jungkook: " Don't think about her that much she's in better place "

Tae: " I know it's just so sad to see someone die with so many dreams"

Jungkook: "but in the end we all gonna die so her time was finished in this world"

Tae: "Do you believe in after life ?"

Jungkook: "Actually yeah I do, I believe there's a world for dead that we don't know yet."

Tae: "my boyfriend died couple years ago he died in an accident I was so broken that London started to suffocating me so I came here to restart everything it was his dream to educate kids so I decided to full fill his dreams "

Jungkook's smile disappeared he was feeling jealous already that before him someone already had touched tae.

Jungkook: " so it was never your dream ?"

Tae: " yeah it wasn't mine but I'm happy to find them they cure me from my loss."

Jungkook: "you must feel so lonely right?"

Tae: " sometimes but not to much I distract myself"

Jungkook: "We all need partner in our lives why don't you try to do some fun?"

Taekook: " No I don't to do something physical without having a relationship"

Tae was getting nervous he could see where this conversation was going but he kinda liking communicating with jungkook like that there was no barrier jungkook was calm and he was a good listener he moulded himself assuming the kind of person tae was.

Jungkook: "is there's any form to fill sir I wanna apply for having little space in your heart?" Tae started to laughing.

Tae: " so this is how you flirt ? "

Jungkook : Nope that's something else would you like to see how I flirt ?

Tae: " Is there are kinds of flirting?

Jungkook: " you are still so young you deserve to be with someone who can heal you , take care of you and mostly appreciate you. Look I'm sorry for your lose but we can't die with people those are already dead we are living for a reason if there was no purpose for us then we wouldn't be living "

Tae: " you are the first person who talked to me like that no one feel important to pay attention what's happening inside me ."

Jungkook:" I know I'm asking for alot but will you be my boyfriend I've felt something like that I feels for you I'm asking you now because I've to leave soon I'll only stay if you will be my boyfriend, I really like you taehyung"

Tae looked down he had no idea what to say he doesn't want to say something that jungkook would leave he wanted him to stay because he was so lonely. When jungkook's around he really feel joy but letting jungkook in his life that soon was not feeling right either.

Tae: " I don't know it's too soon for that but I was you to stay I like when you are around"

Jungkook: " but I can't stay because my feels are growing for you day by day "

Tae: " So you won't stay ?" Jungkook stayed quite.

Tae: " O-Ok I'll be your boyfriend but you have to stay here with me I can't leave this town. I want you to help me with the school too are you will to do that ?" Jungkook smiled widely widely.

Jungkook: your dream is my dream I would to anything to make you happy.

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