Unexpected Patient

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Yes, and I am saying sorry for that...." Doctor Williams said as he sat down in the chair in front of my table."We need you here coz all the VIP patients here trusts you so much. They don't want to get surgeries if it aint you who will lead the surgery..."

"Where's Doc Fields?" I asked about my senior neurosurgeon."He has more experience than me."

"But he is retiring very soon.."Williams leaned on the chair.

Williams is one of the members of board of directors. And a close friend of mine. But these days he's really getting in my nerves. He's like exploiting me so the investors and the VIPs would invest and promote the Hospital and its other bullshits.

I was about to say something when we heard a knock on my door.

"Come in.."I said.

It's my assistant Lena..."Doc Williams, there are people looking for you..."

"Oh,they must be the ones I've been waiting.."Williams immediately stood up." C.Y come and they wanna meet you.."

I rolled my eyes..


I stood up irritated.


"Who are they?"I asked when we're walking on the lobby towards the VIP room.

"A super rich patient you gon' save again..."Williams smirked.

I sighed. Williams is now obsessed with business. He's forgetting that he's also a doctor.

When we got inside the room. There are several men and women inside. The room is big. Well, it's the most expensive room in our Hospital.

When I looked at the bed. I saw an old asian man. He's currently sleeping.

Williams shook the hands of every person in the room.

"Mrs. Myoui,this is Doctor Son Chaeyoung,our best neurosurgeon..."

Did I hear it,right? Mrs. Myoui?

My heart skipped a bit when I tried to look at the woman beside the bed.

There she is...

The woman..

She looked older.

But I still can remember her face..

My heart is beating fast.

Williams pulled me and introduced me to the woman. She smiled at me and offered her hand for a shakehand

I hesitantly shook her hand.

So she doesn't remember me..


"S-so what's the case?" I asked..

"Mr. Myoui has a degenerative disease on his spine. He has DDD.." Williams told me..

"But, it has no cure Dr. Williams..."I said. Well it's actually a fact. How can I treat an incurable disease..

"Can you excuse us,Mrs. Myoui?" Williams asked the woman.

"W-well, yes.." The woman bitterly smiled. She heard what I just said about the disease..

Williams pulled me outside.

"Are you out of your mind,Williams?!" I yelled at my stupid friend."It's DDD, it's incurable. What should I do with that? Juts give him some medications for the pain. This is getting ridiculous!"

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