Out Of The Blue

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Mina's POV

"I think you 2 should get married when you both turn 20..." My dad told us. I bowed down in my seat. Fidgeting my fingers.

We're all in a round table with my whole family and Garett.

"What are your thoughts about that.." Garetted held my hands." I think that's a great idea."

I just smiled at Garett. Of course I don't want to marry this douche but I can't do anything. My dad is here and he's very intimidating. He's the only one I'm afraid of.

"Of course Mina will agree."My dad smiled at me.. Even if he's smiling, he still looks scary as fuck."She's a good daughter..."

I smiled at my father.

This is why I hate family gatherings coz I will feel like this. That I don't belong in this family. They're all so distant to me. Even if they don't show it. That's what I feel.

My family is the total opposite of Chaeyoung's family. Yes, they're lack of many things,they're living in a small apartment as small as my comfort room. But they're happy and contented. You can feel how closed they are to each other.

My sisters, we were close when were kids. But when they reached adolescent stage and I stayed as a kid. They're personalities changed. They became like my parents..

And now my father wants to have a full a control over my life by marrying this asshole. Of course, he will be in favor of Garrett, he's fucking rich, an heir like me..

"My Mina will never disappoint me..."My father said as he took a sip of his wine."My daughters will be my legacy. I am raising them right so they can continue the biggest legacy I will leave."

The people around us started aggreing to him. These people are so plastic. I wanna puke just by watching them praising my father.

They're praising the fact that he's about to imprisoned me for a lifetime just for thw sake of his money.

My mother was just there, also praising him. He's talking nonsense about his plans. But I don't even hear him, anymore.

I hate him and my family. But Im more afraid of him.

I don't wanna marry Garrett..

Please someone help me..



After the meeting. Garett drove me home. My mother gave me a gift. And it's an expensive Tiffany & Co necklace. Well my mother always gives me expensive things. But I don't want it. I want to feel her motherly love.

It's a fucking joke.

"I will go now.." I immediately opened Garrett's passenger door and stepped outside.

Garett immediately followed and grabbed my left wrist."Wait,Mina..."

"What?!"I asked irritatingly.

"Where's my kiss?" He smiled charmingly at me. As if I'd fall for that. Yuck.. I rolled my eyes and tried to pu my hand away from him.

"Did you eat a spoiled steak?"

He laughed."I'm your boyfriend but you're only treating me like a boyfriend when in we're in front of your parents. Remember that we will marry each other 2 years from now.."

"Don't be delusional,jerk."I keep pulling my wrist nut he's too strong."Let go of me!"

"After I kiss you.." He pulled me towards him and leaned to kiss me...

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