Chapter 16

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Ron's POV:
It was 4:30 am when I woke up and saw that Hermione wasn't in the room while the others were sleeping peacefully.

I decided to get up and change into a pair of gray sweat pants and a white crop top along with a hoodie.

I silently walked out of the dorm and down the stairs into the common room and out the portrait of the fat lady.

Being careful I walked down the halls and out of the castle down to the Quidditch patch, it was a bit cold as the weather in Scotland is very weird also because there's a lake near the school making the weather a bit different.

I laid down in the empty field with my eyes closed and thoughts about everything and how everything changed.

Harry and Hermione have always been their for me though we had fights over the most dumbest things.

I remember how one day while we lived at Sirius's childhood home, I caught my mom and Sirius and Remus talking about us and how we used to be so close as babys back then.

It was weird because I never remember that not that a baby would remember that maybe...right?

I laid there with my thoughts, the sun shining in my face until I felt someone standing over me.

"You need something?" I asked not opening my eyes.

"Maybe I do maybe I don't but that owl up there in the sky might" the person said I recognized the person s voice to be none other then Blaise Zabini's.

I opened my eyes to see him standing over me smiling, I sat up and looked up at the sky and saw Errol my family's owl. I stuck my right arm for Errol to land as he's not good at landing at all.

When Errol neared closer and landed on my arm almost falling off. I untied the letter from his leg and careful took him off my arm and put him on the ground as he fell sleep.

"Sit down Zabini" I said snapping him out of his daze, as he sat down across from me.

"Who's it from?" he asked as I flipped the letter to see who sent the letter, I smiled when I saw the words Oliver Wood on it.

"Wood" I said plainly as I tried to open the letter.

"What are you doing out here Weasley?" He asked while I struggled to open the dang letter.

"Getting fresh air, what are you doing out here?"

I saw him smile a bit as I tried and failed to open the envelop before he answered.

"Getting fresh air too, do you need help with that Weasley?" He chuckled as he watched me try and try again.

I sighed and handed him the envelope with a pout nodding at him, "Yes please"

He took the envelope out of my hand and opened it with ease and handed it back to me with smile that could make me fall in love with him even more. Wait what am I saying?!

"Thank you" I said with smile as I took the letter out and unfolded it.

Dear Ron, Ginny and the rest,

Im writing to tell you that Percy has told us the real reason why he said land did all those things from 6th year all the way up to the war. Turns out that Penelope Clearwater his ex-girlfriend from 6th year till the war had casted the Imperius curse controlling him to be hers and do her biding while we were dating, Clearwater made him forget friends and family when he was with her reason why Percy never came to visit and sent anything back.  Clearwater is now labelled as dangerous and wanted be the Minister of magic please be careful all of you.

Oliver Wood

P.S: I need help Im trying to propose to Percy but don't know how or where to do it!

I read the letter and gasped the Penelope Clearwater the so called girlfriend of my 3rd oldest brother put under the Imperius curse to do her biding but has she done to be classified as Wanted and dangerous and Oliver and Percy dated before all of that happened?

I shook my head giggling a bit at the last part of the letter Oliver asking for help to propose to Percy which I expected but not now!

I looked up completely forgetting about Blaise being right there with me.

"What are you giggling about Weasley?" He smiled, I couldn't help laugh thinking about the Oliver Wood freaking out more about a proposal then a quidditch game.

"Wood is freaking out more about proposing to my brother Percy then a quidditch game! " I laughed somehow finding myself in Blaise arms.

I heard him burst out in laughter, I've never heard him laugh before he always has a serious face. We ended up laying a the grass laughing while hugging each other.

"Im surprised to hear that Wood is worried over something else that isn't Quidditch." He said still laughing while I nodded.

"Hey Weasley?"


"Do want a truce? All this of fighting and arguing, name calling is getting old."

I was shocked to say the least from hearing this from him. I couldn't help but smile and nod at him and said "A truce it is....Blaise"

We laid on the grass for a few minutes before we heard footsteps of two people running.

"Ha HA I won Draco!" I heard Harry say, both Blaise and I sat up and saw Harry and Malfoy panting with smiles on their faces.

"What are you two doing?" Blaise asked looking at them suspiciously.

Both Harry and Malfoy shot up and looked at us and said " We saw you two hugging and we just had to see if it was real"

I saw Harry smirk at me before saying "Are you and Zabini a thing now?"

I felt my face go red before both Blaise and I stood up and taking a few steps back away from each other.

"What of course not!?!?" We both yelled before hearing a Hoot, I turn around and saw Errol awake and asking for food, I picked him up and placed him on my right shoulder where he bit my ear and started hooting like mad.

"Wait why are you and Malfoy together Harry?" I grinned slightly

"We made a truce"
Sorry for the late chapter guys 😅
Thank you for 1.59k reads i don't know what else to say but Thank you so much I didn't think people would actually read and like this tbh thank you so much 😊💖

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