Chapter 8

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3rd POV:
It was the next morning the five Gryffindors woke up to the sound of curtains opening by Seamus, they all got up and got ready for school and headed down to Great hall for breakfast.

When they to the Great Hall, they found all the professor's at breakfast, which was very odd as they usually eat before coming to the great hall or eating breakfast when the great hall was kinda empty.

It surprised them, as they came in and sat down, they ate in peace until the Headmaster, Dumbledore stood up and spoke.

"Good morning everyone, I have a few announcements before everyone goes to their classes, First off all the first Quidditch game of year will be on September 27, between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, meaning quidditch teams are now allowed to practice during week days if you wish to do so. Secondly today we shall reveal the name of our covering potions Professor he's name is..........

Christopher Black......."

The Great hall went silent, no one spoke all thinking the same thing, 'another Black but who's son is he?'

The five Gryffindors looked at each other all thinking the same thing, what could he want, why does he want to meet, who's son is he, how did they not know of him.

Dumbledore then broke the tense silence, "That is all, please eat and head to your classes if you have any questions please ask me or any Professor's."

The Great hall went back as it was minutes ago, people started leaving to get to class or finish eating.

The five Gryffindors started eating again, after looking at five Slytherins to only notice they weren't there. They quickly finished their food and headed to their First class, Herbology.

*Time skip to potions*

The five Gryffindors arrived to the dungeons for potions with the Slytherins, which was their least favorite class out of all their classes.

The five were talking about Professor Black and how did they not know of him.

"Harry you should write a letter to Sirius about this later, he might know something" Neville suggested as they entered the classroom.

"If I could I would but I don't know where he is and Dumbledore said I can't write or see him just yet because many death eaters are still on the loose." Harry said looking down

"Oh...I forgot about that thankfully he's alive and well"

Potions went well for them but they noticed Professor Black was looking at them every now and then during class and five Slytherins glanced at them worried trying not be caught looking at them.

Soon class was over and the five Gryffindors took off running to Gryffindor tower to start some of their homework.

They soon arrived and ran up to the boys dorm and started their homework, but Harry, Ron and Hermione couldn't help but worry about the meeting with Professor Black as it drew near and now two days away.

They finished half of their homework, when it was time for dinner, the five of them walked down to the Great Hall silently talking about how did no one in the wizarding world know about Christopher Black.

"If he's a Black, right that means Narcissa and Andromeda would know him" Ron said surprising Hermione.

"That's right, we could ask them about him and if he's a cousin or brother"  Hermione said still surprised

"Yea but how did we owl them as Andromeda is still in a safe house and Narcissa is possibly at Malfoy Manor or who knows where." Harry said starting to feel hopeless.

They arrived at the great hall and sat down in their usual spots at the Gryffindor table, Both Ron and Harry noticed the stares they were getting from the worried sliver trio and the suspicious Professor Black.

The five of them ate in peace not knowing what to say or talk about soon they finished their dinner and the golden trio walked back to Gryffindor tower while Ginny went hangout with Luna, and Neville went to help Professor Sprout water the plants in the Greenhouses.

The trio walked quietly but stop when they heard someone talking and hid behind a statue not wanting to be noticed.

"Yes Mother, don't worry about the plan, I have everything under control my niece and nephew won't know what hit them"

"They better Christopher, your father and I are counting on you as your younger brothers ran away from there duties, got married and had kids with a half-blood and a blood traitor, thankfully you got married with a pure-blood and had beautiful children."

The trio sat there listening noticing that it was Professor Black and a women talking and that women was Walburga Black the mother of Sirius and Regulus Black.

"Wait isn't that Walburga Black, I thought she died long time ago" Ron whispered

"Did you forget Ron wizards and witches live longer then non-magical people." Hermione whispered-yelled at Ron

"Wait they have a niece and nephew, as far as I know there are no one with the last name Black here at Hogwarts and Sirius never mentioned anything about having a child, niece or nephew" Harry whispered not taking his eyes off Christopher or Walburga Black.

" Harry has a point besides Regulus Black died at the age of 18 I think and didn't their parents die I mean everyone in the wizarding world knew they died." Ron added

They trio noticed that Professor Black and his mother left, they quickly got up and looked around for anybody coming down the hall, once they made sure no one was around they quickly ran to the porterit of the fat lady and said the password and quickly entered into the common room where Neville, Ginny and a sleeping Dean and Seamus.

"What the where the heck where you guys, I thought you said you'd come straight to Gryffindor tower we've been waiting half an hour for you guys" Neville whispered- yelled trying not to wake the sleeping couple.

"We uhm went to the library" Ron said not able to think of something else.

"Ok then just tell us before hand, so we don't freak out and send the search party" Ginny said quietly.

They five went to bed in their dorms after finishing the remainder of their homework.

Dun Dun DUN another Black and both Walburga and Orion Black are alive?!

Regulus and Sirius Black got married and had kids?!

Im being weird.....again anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry it took awhile but btw that may happen a few more times as Im going to school the same way online but way different.

again anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry it took awhile but btw that may happen a few more times as Im going to school the same way online but way different

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