Chapter 10

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No one POV:

It was 6:15, and both Ginny and Hermione were getting tired of waiting for the 3 boys to wake up.

The two girls got up from the couch and walked up to the boys dorm, and opened the dorm to see the boys already wake and dressed but they were hugging Harry, who was crying.

Hermione and Ginny's heart broke at the sight of Harry crying, they quickly joined the group and hugged Harry.

"Harry what's wrong?" An alarmed Hermione asked.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but no words come out and broke into tears once more and looked at Ron.

Ron saw this and took this as a sign to answer for him and said " He had a Nightmare about Walburga, James, Sirius and his brother and Remus."

The girls hugged Harry tighter and soon let him go as he had stopped crying.

"Oh, Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked softly.

"Yes, Mom Im a-alright now" Harry smiled while he hiccuped a bit.

Hermione smiled and remember how the others said she was like the Mom of the group.

"Ok, come on lets grab our stuff and  go walk around the castle and get some fresh air" she suggested

The other four nodded and went around the room and grabbed their stuff as Ginny and Hermione walked to the door.

                        ~Time skip~

The five walked around the castle silently, they saw the four Slytherins and Luna on their way to the Great hall for breakfast, they had noticed how quiet they were being.

Draco had noticed Harry's eyes were red and puffy, his faced softened a little before Harry looked at him with a weak smile.

The Slytherins and Luna frowned at the sight of it, the group was always smiling and laughing but today they we're oddly quiet, they perfectly knew why it was Friday.

The day went by quickly and the 5 Gryffindors were quiet the whole day, Professor Black had noticed this and was worried for them, he knew they were never like thus unless something happen.

Soon enough the school day had ended, and the meeting with Professor Black was an hour away.

Hermione and Ginny tried to cheer them up with quidditch and plants but boys only smiled weakly.

The girls pulled out the clothes they had picked for them in the morning with big smiles of their faces.

Harry, Ron and Neville eyes widen at the sight of the clothes. Both Ginny and Hermione threw the outfits at them.
"Get up and stop being sad if anything goes we'll always have each others back" Hermione said with a motherly tone.

Hermione and Ginny left the room and got changed in their own dorm, Ginny wore black jeans with a black tank-top and a red and black flannel with black vans. Hermione wore dark blue jeans, with a white t-shirt and grey cardigan and white running shoes.

The two girls went back to the boys dorm, Ginny knocked on the door before hearing a 'come in', the two girls smiled when saw the three boys smiling happily while Neville was flapping his arms like a bird.
(A/n: Is it just me who does that? )

Harry was wearing a navy blue jeans with a white and orangey brown sweater and white running shoes, while Ron was wearing red tank-top sweater with black jeans and black vans. Neville was wearing a peachy color tank-top sweater with long baggy sleeves and a white skirt and white nikes with pink butterflies on them. (Their wearing sweaters because it now fall.)

Their mood took a 180 turn, it was  only 5 o'clock, they grabbed their wands and walked down to the common room and out the portrait of the fat lady, and down to the dungeons we're they we're going the for Slytherins.

The four Slytherins were already there waiting for them ready with their wands.

Harry's POV:

The five of us walked down to the dungeons where we met the Dra-Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, and Parkinson.

They were dressed like always in a suit or rarely casual clothes and in this case causal clothes...what I'm I thinking...I had brought my invisibility cloak with me for today just in case.

"Potter, what's that cloak for are you going to sleep or something?"

"Shut it Malfoy, you'll see what its for" Hermione snapped already annoyed.

I unfolded the cloak and both Ron and I put the cloak over ourselves, we both heard the gasps coming from the other four.

"Wow, I've never seen something like that before." Blaise gasped as Ron and I got out of under the cloak.

"Wooah, but where did you get that Potter?" Nott asked still shocked.

"It was my father's cloak and it was given to me, and I'm going to let you use this, Im trusting you with this" I glared at them.

I knew this was something dangerous and risky to do, I don't know if I could trust them with this but it was the only way they could be in the room with us.

The four of them looked surprised and then Malfoy spoke, "You trust us with this....Potter but why?"

"That's none your business Malfoy" I said quickly as Ron and I walked to them put the cloak over them.

A few minutes later we heard the door open, and Professor Black standing in the doorway.

"Oh your here, please come in" He said moving to the side.

We entered to room and saw a  picture book and Nine chairs in front of his desk.

"Oh and Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini and Mr. Nott and Ms. Parkinson please take the cloak off it will not be needed, now please take a sit." He smiled

We all sat down after Malfoy gave me, my cloak back.

"Now Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger this is not something to be worried about your family and I would never hurt you or your friends."

Hermione and I, eyes widen what did he mean be 'family', I wasn't a Black neither was Hermione, right?

"P-Professor w-what do you mean by f-family, Im a muggle-born and Harry's a H-Half-Blood." Hermione stuttered.

"You my dear are my niece and you Harry are my nephew"

Everyone was in shock.

"B-but Hermione and I never met until 1st year and how are we related to you and to each other Sirius never told us about this."

"Harry, you are the son of James Potter and my younger brother Regulus Black" he said to Harry then turned to look at Hermione who was sitting next to Harry and Ron. "And you Hermione are the daughter of my brother Sirius Black and Remus Lupin."

To continued in the next chapter...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To continued in the next chapter

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