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"I really met a ghost! The girl in that picture is Reimi!"

"Okay, we get it. I said we believe you, didn't I? Right, Okuyasu? Mercuius?" Josuke said.

"I believe him. Everything that happens is pretty supernatural so why not ghost being real?"

"So I researched her, and she was also a student at Budogoaka High School." Okuyasu was ignoring them while gawking at the picture of the said girl Koichi spoke of.

"We should eventually go meet this ghost, too. But, Koichi, if we tell Jotaro or the old man Joseph about this, they're probably going to ask one thing."

"Is the murder a stand user?" Mercuius asked after Josuke.

"W-Well... I don't know... " Koichi silently said.

"Then we'll just have the police and court deal with it."

"And I might have to agree with you on that, Josuke."

"B-But theres a murder in Morioh!" Koichi yelled.

"I know. And that's why I'm saying that Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation won't just go after a normal murder. Calm down. He's managed to escape from the allmighty police for the past fifteen years. It's not like we'd run into him right away, like we'd hailed a taxi cab.  Let's stay calm and look into this carefully." Josuke reassure Koichi as Mercuius took the picture away from Okuyasu who is on his knees begging for the picture back.

"So what did Rohan have to say?"

'Who's Rohan?' Mercuius questioned in her head.

"The same thing as you, Josuke." Koichi quietly said until Josuke quickly grabbed Koichi from getting hit by the car that suddenly appeared.

"Hey, look out, Koichi. Don't cross the road when you're all spaced out."

"Koichi! You would've gotten hurt! You alright?" Mercuius asked him.

"S-Sorry." Koichi said outloud.

The driver of the car that almost ran over Koichi was a blonde haired man. He just remained quiet and drove away.

Mini Time skip

"I only have 285 yen left in my saving!"

"Relax you idiot!"

"But I had 20,000 yen in there! How can I relax?!" He grabbed his wallet and emptied it out. "Twelve yen?! My 20,000 yen that I was saving up to buy those cool brand-name shoes... I can't even remember what I used my money on. This is all that damn old man's fault! Because he used 130,000 yen worth of baby crap!"

"You need money? I could pay you more than 40 times the amount of money you lost-"

"N-No way! I can't possibly let you pay me because of the old man's mistake! I'll make the old man pay me back the 130,000 yen later, but then I felt like spending a little here and there wouldn't hurt, and totally lost track of my spending. I wonder if I tucked away a thousand yen somewhere and just forgot about it." Josuke said as he searched his wallet.

Both heard something move from under the ATM. They closely to saw...

"I guess banks could have them, too-"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Get that away from me!!!" Mercuius yelled as she jumped into Josuke.

(Jjba)||Book4||The Chase||+Oc Inserts||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now