Chapter Nineteen

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Siberia, Russia

The plane had it’s heating on high, as you and Bucky wrapped yourselves in scarves, jackets and gloves. You were close to overheating from how warm you felt. The plane had landed in the middle of snow covered mountains in Siberia. If you squinted you could see a building far out. Bucky crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head in the crook of your neck. 

This was the first place Bucky wanted to visit. The Hydra Siberian Facility, where he was kept. “You sure about this?” you asked him, kissing his nose. Bucky nodded, faking a smile. “I love you,” 

“I love you too,” 

Bucky took your hand as you opened the jet door. Instantly hit by freezing cold air. You shivered as Bucky stepped out onto the snow. He extended his hand to help you exit the jet. “Thanks,” you said, keeping a tight grip of his hand even after you’d closed the door behind you. “You okay?” 

“No,” said Bucky, looking forward. You squeezed his hand supportively, as he stepped forward. The snow crunching under his feet. “But I’m here,” 

You stroked his cheek, “I’m proud,” you whispered. Bucky nodded, but looked straight ahead. Your heart was aching. After everything Hydra had done to him, he was going back. Going to make his peace with his past so he could make amends. It was brave. And you were proud of him. You held his hand, as you walked in silence towards the base. The only sound was the snow under your feet. 

When you reached the base, Bucky knocked snow off a box outside. You shivered again, rubbing your arms. It was very cold. The iron doors creaked open as Bucky stepped inside. He looked back at you, and you jogged to catch up with him, retaking his hand. “You okay?” 

Bucky nodded. There was a  huge elevator made from iron in front of you. It was like a cage. This place gave you the chills. Bucky pressed the button and it rattled as the doors slowly opened. You were very unsure of this. It was creeping you out. It broke your heart that Bucky had been kept here. He’d been treated like he was nothing. It hurt. 

You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder and pulled him close to you as the elevator went slowly down. When it stopped, you stepped out with Bucky, still holding him close to you. When you rounded a corner, you saw three chamber-like things. You looked at Bucky. He let go of your hand, stepping forward. You waited for him. To make peace, or at least start to, with his past. You stood by the elevator doors, watching Bucky as he made his way around the room. 

His footsteps echoed around the room as he walked around it. Other than that it was silent. Still. Eerie and completely silent. How long must Bucky have been here alone and scared? “I think I tried to forget this place,” he said quietly, walking round the room in a circle. He walked between the equipment. You could hardly hear him breathe. “I hardly remember, even though I spent most of my life here,” you breathed in deeply. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. 

You watched as Bucky circled a chair and a device stood in the middle of the cold, airy space. Bucky traced his finger along the machine, a shiver ran through his body. You looked away. Tears sprung to your eyes and you blinked them back. Bucky placed a hand on one of the chambers. A small sob escaped his lips, and you looked up. “Buck?” you whispered. 

He turned to look at you, his eyes glistened with tears. “Hey it’s okay,” you said, softly. You walked over to him as he collapsed into your arms, “It’s okay honey, it’s okay,” you stroked his hair as he wrapped his arms around you and held onto you tighter. His tears dropped onto your neck as he buried his hand into your hair. “You’re okay,” you ran your hands through his hair as he kept his breathing steady. 

You held Bucky while he cried into your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he whispered shakily.

“Don’t be,” you said, wiping the tears that stained his face, “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Bucky nodded as he took your hand. You held him close to you as you made your way back to the jet. 

Once you arrived you snuggled with Bucky under a blanket as he rested his head on your shoulder. “I love you Buck,” you whispered into his hair. The jet left Siberia as you closed the window. Bucky had already fallen asleep, the last tears had fallen from his face. They had stained his cheeks, despite you wiping them away. “I’ll always love you,” 

Author's Note ❤️: This took a while, I hope it didn't make you cry too much. 

Also this new episode of fatws. I..i have no words. 

Thanks for reading, love you all <3

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