Chapter Fifteen

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Christmas Day. Or, as some might argue, the best day of the year. The team had decided upon Secret Santa, because it was more interesting, added ‘mystery’ and also buying for everyone was hard so. You were pretty sure that most people knew who had them because they were all like avengers, but you had no idea who had you.

When you woke up, Bucky was still curled up asleep next to you. He looked so peaceful, his long brown hair fell gently over his face. You had somehow ended up with the most beautiful man on earth, and you felt so lucky for that. You left Bucky sleeping and headed up to the living area. Clint had already left to spend Christmas with his family. Steve, Nat and Bruce were already awake drinking coffee.

Once everyone was awake, you decided to exchange gifts. Tony had Steve, and had bought him a Captain America mug and socks gift set. You stifled a laugh, Steve was trying his best to look grateful. You could never trust Tony to buy his own gifts ever. Bruce had Tony, and had bought him a new pair of sunglasses with ‘you know who i am’ enscripted upon the frames. They were actually really nice.

Bucky had you, when he handed you the gift bag he had the most adorable smile upon his face. You opened the gift bag and pulled out a black velvet box. Inside the box was a gold locket, just like the one you had bought Bucky two years ago. The locket had a picture of you and him on the date you had planned, it was on the ice rink. You had to hold back tears, it was the most adorable gift that you had ever received, “Oh my God,” you said, “Buck this is amazing, thank you so much,”

You had Wanda and had bought her new recipe books and shopping vouchers. Honestly, you had no idea what to get her, or anyone to be honest. Secret Santa with the avengers was a lot harder than it looked. Wanda had Bruce and bought him some science fiction book he wanted.

Nat received a necklace from Steve, but he gave her the receipt in case she wanted to exchange it for store credit. Peter got Star Wars hoodies from Nat. Sam got a phone case full of pictures of birds on from Peter. He was not amused. However, Sam had gotten Bucky magnets and stuck them to his arm, so you could say the phone case was payback. “I hate you Wilson,” was Bucky’s only remark, as he tried pulling the magnets off.

Just as you were helping Bucky remove the said magnets from his arm, a bolt of lightning came from outside. You were confused, because it was also snowing. “Thor,” said Tony, rolling his eyes, “I swear if he messes up my lawn again,”

Thor and Loki arrived, carrying gifts. You weren’t expecting a visit from them, but were sure that the food you had bought could feed an extra two people. “We come with gifts,” said Thor, placing them down on the floor. Loki did not seem the slightest bit interested in Christmas. “Firstly for the man of spiders,” said Thor, “It’s much weaker,” he handed Peter a bottle of what looked like asgardian alcohol.

“I’ll take that,” said Tony, taking the bottle off Peter. Thor and Loki had only actually come with asgardian alcohol, and as grateful as you were, you knew that a sip of it would knock you out cold.

The group then dispersed for a while, and you thought it would be the best time to give Bucky his gift. “Hey Buck,” you said, handing him the gift bag,”Happy Christmas,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. “I love you,” you whispered.

You had bought Bucky a photo frame with the picture of him and George in the snow inside. And also some plum flavoured lip balm. Because why not. “I know it’s not the same compared to the locket,” you said, “But yeah, and also thank you for the locket, it’s beautiful,” you kissed him again.

When you got back to the living area, Peter was helping George build the lego death star that he had bought him. Tony was nowhere to be found and Steve was balancing some neatly wrapped gifts. “What you got there Steve?” you aksed, taking some from him before he dropped them. Each one was labelled to a different person. You were confused. “More gifts?” you aksed.

“It’s for team morale,” he said. Interesting. You handed them around as everyone else came back into the room. Sam was holding a big box, which you decided not to question. Steve handed the gifts around to each person. It was even funnier because when they unwrapped them it was a notebook filled with inspirational quotes.

Sam then handed the box he was carrying to Peter. You noticed Bucky laughing, they were definitely up to something. “What is that?” you asked him.

“Peter’s gift,” he said, like it was completely normal. Peter opened the box, to reveal another smaller box. You rolled your eyes. Inside the box was another box. You sighed, “No there’s an actual gif,” said Bucky, as Peter kept revealing more and more boxes. Most people lost interest, but about twelve boxes later, Peter came across a packet of sour gummy worms. Bucky and Sam were laughing.

Peter handed them to George, “I don’t even like those,” he said, “Those are the wrong ones,”

“That’s cold,” you said to them, before walking away. You and Wanda had agreed to make the Christmas Dinner, mainly because none of the others could cook. Everyone was just sitting around, not many people actually had family, you realized. The avengers were their only family.


Most of the dinner was cooked, but you wanted to go get ready. “Dad will you watch the food,” you said, Tony nodded as you left the kitchen. You headed to your room and put on your favourite outfit. The locket from Bucky matched it perfectly, and you smiled to yourself. You couldn’t believe you were back spending Christmas with your family, and Bucky. You had him back. And the old him too, as he seemed to be remembering a lot more lately.

When you got back to the kitchen, all you could smell was burning? As you suspected, Tony had managed to burn everything. “How did you even do that?” you said, “You had one job,”

“My bad,” said Tony. You had no idea what you were going to do now that all the food for the team had been burned, “We can just like order pizza or something, I’m sure that would be cool with the rest of the guys?” yes because that sounded like your typical Christmas Dinner, takeaway pizza.

You rolled your eyes, “Fine okay,” you responded, “But you’re telling Wanda,” you quickly left the kitchen, as Wanda entered. You bumped into Bucky and Sam, they were in hushed conversation, “Leave Peter alone,” you said as they walked past you.

Everyone chose their pizza, and sat around the TV. The current argument was what Christmas film they were gonna watch. Obviously your favorite Christmas movie was love actually but you didn’t say anything. Everyone wanted to watch a different film, and weirdly Tony had disappeared. 

Peter put on Home Alone, much to the dismay of the other team members, just as the pizza arrived. Everyone finally shut up and ate. After dinner, Tony handed everyone like a huge gift bag to all the others (except you and George). They all opened them to reveal new upgraded suits. “Woah okay,” said Peter. All the new suits looked very fancy. As it got later most people started heading off.

Later that night after you had put George to bed, you headed to your room. Bucky was already in bed reading. He looked really cute. “Hey Buck,” you said, sliding into bed next to him, “Happy Christmas, I love you,”

“I love you more,” said Bucky, leaning over to kiss you.

Authors Note ❤: Omg i loved writing this but it was so hard. Also my school goes back march 9th so if updates are slow it's because I have a lot of work (exams coming up) anyway thanks for reading. Love you all 💞

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