Chapter Seven

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You sat down in the chair in the meeting room next to Sam. Steve and Bucky sat across from you. Unsure of where to start, you looked over to Steve who smiled at you reassuringly. “Okay,” you said, clearing your throat, “What do you remember?”

Bucky looked nervous, clearly not sure what to say. He opened one of the journals in front of him and you watched as he flicked through a few pages. There was different coloured writing, all messily jotted down. He had clearly just written stuff down as a memory came back to him. You wondered if anything was about you, but you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. Helping Bucky was your first priority, whether he still loved you was a different matter.

“There was a train,” said Bucky, flipping through the pages, “A skinny kid, the arm, being on the run, and then,” he said trailing off, “ a girl,” your cheeks went bright red, and he looked over to you. His piercing blue eyes trained on you, it made your heart melt, “The train is the most recent thing I remember, and the clearest, the memories come in different ways,”

“Okay,” you said, “Where do you want us to start?” you looked over to Steve, who was staring down at the desk, this was going to be hard, for everyone, but you wanted Bucky to know everything up till now.

“The beginning I guess,” he said, his mood shifted with the unspoken tension in the room, visibly uncomfortable and your heart broke for him. He didn’t know anything about himself, and every memory he had tried to build had been wiped from him over and over again. You looked over to Steve and he nodded. You were nervous, of course you were, it was his past.


“And then you went to Stark Tower,” said Steve, trailing off. He had recapped every single memory of him and Bucky, from the 40s, to seeing him on the bridge and searching for him before bringing him to the tower. Steve looked over to you, he had wanted you to explain his time at the tower but you were so scared, what if he didn’t like you that way anymore? What if he didn’t want to get involved with you and George again or ever, you wouldn’t have blamed him but it still scared you.

“Um..” you started, you felt your hand shaking underneath the desk, “I’m sorry,” you said, quickly getting up and leaving the meeting room. You walked quickly back up to the roof and sat down on the edge, breathing heavily and close to tears, you closed your eyes.

Hearing the door to the roof open, you wiped away a tear and stood up. You felt the person’s eyes on you from by the door and you turned around, expecting to see Steve. Bucky was stood over by the door. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said quietly, “I’m really sorry,” another tear made its way down your face. You loved this man, and you couldn’t imagine life in the compound if he was here and he didn’t love you.

“It’s okay,” you said softly, shivering from the cold of November. His eyes filled with concern immediately and he gave you his jacket. You wrapped it around your shoulders, and smiled gratefully at him.

“How do you know me?” he asked you quietly, staring at the floor.

“I’m Tony’s daughter,” you said, you walked over to him and placed your hand in his, he didn’t flinch at your touch but he didn’t move, he kept looking at the floor, “And I lived in the tower when you arrived,” your voice was starting to break from the tears and you didn’t want to continue, if you told him everything you might scare him away. His grip on your hand tightened as you stopped talking.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked softly, looking up from the ground, he looked so scared when he asked that question, tears on the edge of spilling down his beautiful face.

“No,” you said, “But they did,” you were talking about HYDRA, not sure if he would understand. He looked confused for a second and you dropped your hand from his, walking over to the edge of the roof. You heard his footsteps follow you and you felt his close figure standing over you.

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