Chapter Sixteen

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It was over a month later, early February time, New York was still covered in frost and ice, but it looked beautiful. You and Bucky had spent most of your time curled up under blankets watching Disney movies that he hadn’t seen. Today you had been baking brownies with Wanda while Bucky and George played video games, Steve was still trying to get his head round this whole new thing, and he was terrible at them. And Tony always kicked him off the game.

“Buck do you want to go out later?” you asked as you handed him a cup of coffee, “We haven’t left in days,” you pointed out. Not that you didn’t mind, you loved staying in with Bucky while he showered you in affection. Bucky had no time to respond, while he shouted at Sam for overtaking him on the leaderboard.

You shook your head and walked away, “What was that doll?” Bucky called out after you, “Damn you Wilson,” he shouted again. You rolled your eyes, although it did bring a smile to your face that he was more confident when he was around the team. The first time that he had joined the team he’d been quiet and didn’t talk to anyone. Now he was too busy playing video games to respond to you.

“Do you want to go out later?” you asked again, sitting down next to him. He draped his arm around you, pulling you tighter into his side so that you rested your head on his shoulder. You felt so warm and safe in his arms, God you loved this man.

Bucky glared at Sam when he lost the game, “Okay sure,” he said, kissing your cheek, “Let me get a jacket,” Bucky disappeared, leaving you sitting alone and wishing that he still had his arm wrapped around you. Not you being completely attached to Bucky again. This time you wouldn’t be stupid enough to let him go. Ever.

Bucky reappeared, wearing a red jacket and his hair tied back into a man bun. Okay he looked really hot wow okay. Bucky helped George put on his coat as you grabbed your car keys from the side. “You guys want to tag along?” you asked Sam and Steve.

“No we’re good,” said Steve, “have fun,” you smiled before heading to the elevator where Bucky was waiting. He took your hand as you stepped inside.


You had taken Bucky and George to Central Park. Both you and Bucky were drinking coffee, while George walked unsteadily along the snow covered pathways. You still hadn’t let go of Bucky’s hand, and we’re walking next to each other. “Hey,” said a voice from behind you, it was Peter. You could hear Bucky’s sigh from next to you. “What are you guys doing here?”

“I wish I wasn’t right now,” whispered Bucky, making you laugh.

“Hey Peter, what’s up?” you asked him, “What are you doing here anyway? You know that Tony would freak if he knew you were here alone,” Bucky had already left to find George who had seemingly disappeared down a pathway.

Peter nodded, “Oh I’m not,” he said, gesturing to a guy and a girl stood awkwardly by a bench, “That’s Ned and Mj, sorta my friends,” he said shyly. You laughed at this dork of a kid who was stood infront of you. Peter Parker was Spiderman, basically adopted by the avengers, and still was worried about whenever he called his friends his actual friends. “So yeah you can tell Mr Stark I’m fine,”

You nodded, looking around to see if Bucky had found George. “Oh well have fun with your friends,” you said, now looking for both of the two people that had disappeared, “Sorry I have to go find George and Bucky,” you said goodbye to Peter and waved to his friends before heading down the path.

You walked round a corner, reaching the park. When you noticed that Bucky was pushing George on the swings. George was laughing loudly and you could see the small smile that crept onto Bucky’s face as he realised how happy he made George. “Okay you scared me,” you said, startling Bucky, who had been so busy smiling. Which, you should add, you had seen more often than you ever remembered.

After a while, you decided to head back to the tower. Bucky held your hand, and wrapped his other arm around your waist. Being close to him made you feel warm inside. You were so in love with him.

Once you were back at the tower, Wanda had already made dinner. You sat down at the table with the others, traces of snow were still left in Bucky’s hair and his nose was blushed pink. He was still holding your hand under the table as you sat closer to him. It was so hard to let him go, even when you were around him, you wanted to be cuddled into his side every minute of every day. You just loved him so much.

After dinner, you and Bucky headed back to your room. Bucky was sat next to you in the bed, reading his book. He was still trying to catch up with modern times so he was reading what most liked to call classics. (I was gonna say that you found them boring but i don’t know you so you might like them lmao)

A while later Bucky put his book down and rolled over to face you. His forehead was touching yours. “You look beautiful,” he whispered, tucking some hair behind your ear. You tried to stop yourself from blushing because that was such a basic move but it was Bucky.

He smiled as he cupped your face and softly kissed you. Your heart rate quickened to about a million beats per minute as you deepened the kiss. His tongue swept across yours as he ran his fingers through your hair. “Are you sure?” whispered Bucky as you flipped on top of him.

“I’m sure,”

Authors Note ❤ : This took like longer than a week to update so sorry about that. Hopefully you guys liked this part because I wasn’t sure. Cuter chapters to come. Thanks for reading. Love you all 💞

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