Chapter Eighteen

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^^his jawline. More structured than my life

"Run away with me,"


Bucky took a step back, "Wait. You're agreeing with me?" he asked, "But this is so, just. Why?"

"Bucky," you whispered, cupping his face in your hands, "I love you, I love you so much, and yes, I do want to run away with you, I don't care where, I want to be with you for the rest of my life,"

As Bucky went in to kiss you, you were interrupted by someone, "I just wanted cookies but I can come back," said Sam, standing about five metres away from you. Both you and Bucky turned to look at him, "Yeah I'm gonna come back, continue on with your moment thing," he walked out the room quickly as you started laughing.
"I love you too doll," said Bucky, resting his forehead against yours.

"What do we do now?" you asked him, as you studied his bright blue eyes. The eyes that you seeked home in. It didn't matter where you were, as long as you were with Bucky, you would always be home.

Bucky smiled, kissing you softly, "We run," he said.


You packed the basic stuff that you needed, throwing into a small suitcase. Maybe, you weren't used to packing this light. Considering you have a lot of stuff, and your dad also owns a private jet so you can just take as many suitcases as you want. But you had no idea where Bucky was planning on taking you.

And you were also still trying to work up the confidence to tell everyone you had decided to irrationally run away with Bucky. Not that you thought they would mind, okay they would. But this was something you needed to do. And also really wanted to. A knock came to your door, and you jumped. Not sure how to hide the suitcase full of clothes on your bed, and everything else that was thrown on the floor. "Two seconds," you called out, wandering out the room frantically.

"It's Wanda," she called out. Great. Your closest friend. And you were going to have to lie straight to her face. "We're back from the dance recital? How did it go with Bucky? Is everything okay?"

You opened the door to your room slightly, showing just your face. "It went good," you said as she narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously. "So, I'll see you later?" you closed the door, feeling very guilty for lying. You looked at the clothes on the floor. Everything would be empty when you'd gone. It was weird to comprehend.

A while later, when you had finished packing. Leaving some stuff, okay a lot of stuff, in your room. It was hard. You sat on the edge of the bed, staring, glassy eyed, at your suitcase. You didn't hear Bucky slip into your room. "Doll," said Bucky, sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around you, so you snuggled into his side. "Everything okay?" he whispered as he kissed your head.

"I don't know how to say goodbye," you said, "And I can't just leave, and I just had to lie to Wanda, and what do I even say? I want this, I want this so badly. But I don't know how to leave everyone and everything behind,"

"I get it," said Bucky, taking your hand in his, "And I'm going to always be here, you get that? I swear,"

You nodded, "I know, I know," you smiled, looking at Bucky. The love of your life, "When do we leave? I may need a few hours,"

"Tonight?" suggested Bucky, kissing your hand before leaving your room. Tonight.

You headed to find Wanda first, mainly to apologize for being weird. You found her with Nat and Pepper, looking at expensive dresses in magazines. Nothing had changed there. You stood in the doorframe, unsure what to say. How to tell them. "Guys," you said, as they turned to look at you. "I have decided to go, on a trip, with Bucky," you said, "I don't know how long for, or, really, where,"

"What?" they asked in unison.

"Yeah, i'm leaving," you said, "I um, yeah, that's it, and I'm gonna miss you guys and I have to go find my dad before I cry,"

Tony was sat in the lab, messing with his suit. Again. "Hi dad," you said from the doorway, as he turned to look at you. Your breath hitched in your throat, as you sat on one of the workbenches, "I need you to do me a favour," you stated. Tony nodded, "While I'm gone, ask Pepper on a date, a real date,"

"Where are you going?"

"Away," you said, "With Bucky,"

"What about George?" right, "Are you gonna take him across the world with you and your boyfriend?"

"Ex fiance,"

Tony sighed, "I'll watch George, he'll miss you, I know. And it probably doesn't sound that responsible, in fact. It's very irresponsible," you chuckled a little, "But you and Bucky, you need this, and you deserve it. You've been strong, god this sounds like pitying. It's not. Y/n just go, don't cry over goodbyes,"

Woah. Okay. That wasn't what you were expecting. "Say goodbye to George and go," said Tony, "Don't wait around regretting your decision, and I know your worried about George. But I live with Steve Rogers, the most boring and disciplined person. He'll be fine." you smiled again, "Go,"

"Thanks Dad," you said, smiling. He smiled back at you, before waving you to leave. Always one to be out of touch with emotions. You smiled before leaving.

Bucky ran into you on your way upstairs. "We leave in five," you said, kissing his cheek. You ran quickly upstairs to find George. Who was busy playing video games with Peter. He would be okay. "George," you called out, as he ran over to you, wrapping his arms around you. "I'm leaving for a while, will you be okay here?"

He nodded, as you blinked back tears. "Love you," you whispered.

"Love you," he said smiling, before running back to join Peter. You stood up to find Bucky stood behind you.

"You ready?" he asked you, a bright smile plastered to his face.

You took his outstretched hand.


Authors Note ❤️: Sorry this took so long to update. Also the Billionaire's daughter has 200k reads? Um thank you so much, I love you all 💞

Also I did open an instagram account if anyone was interested its ameliaxbarnes

Anyway thanks for reading 💞

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