Sixteen - Movie

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We arrived home relatively late in the evening, so Tom had insisted that I stay over at his. Even though I had work tomorrow, I couldn't say no.

I had gone into Tom's bathroom to have a quick shower before I went to bed. It was only a brief shower before I made my way into Tom's room where he put my bag. I quickly changed into some more comfortable clothes before Tom walked in.

"Hey.." he said to me, smiling.

"Hi." I replied, as I walked over to him and placed a small kiss on his lips.

He smiled at me while making his way over to his bed and slipping under the duvet. He motioned for me to come over so I did the same, slipping under the covers so we here both face to face lying down.

(Play Now)

I took my hand and placed it at the back of his head, fiddling with his soft, brown curls. He smiled at me, taking his hand and pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Can you come with me to the premiere..?" He started looking deeply into my eyes.

"I-.. you want me there?" I asked

"Of course I do."

"I just wasn't sure you'd ask me. I thought it was only going to be you and your brothers, Harrison and Tuwaine." I questioned.

"No, it's not. Because I would like you there too. With you on my arm." He continued to look at me anxiously, as though nervous to what I would say.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." He spoke with a soft smile on his face.

"Thank you. I would love to." I said to him as I leaned closer, kissing his lips. He started to deepen the kiss, placing his hand on my cheek while he kept his other on the small of my back. I continued to keep my hand on the curls at the back of his head, intertwining my fingers with them. He slowly pulled away with a smile on his face. I smiled back before a thought came into my head.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Okay." He chuckled. "Um but why are we whispering?"

"I don't know!" I smiled a little before I let out a small giggle, shoving his shoulder jokingly.

But little did Annie know that when Tom heard that little laugh, he knew it was the purest sound he had ever heard. And with that, he smiled again looking deeply into Annie's beautiful eyes.

"So what do you want to watch then?" Tom asked.

"Well.." I smiled. "I was thinking maybe one of yours?"

"No! Really?"

"Yes!" I said to him with a big smile and he groaned. "Come on please, let's watch Spider-Man Homecoming. I need to understand the storyline of Spider-Man so I can be prepared for the Far From Home Premiere." I persuaded as I gave him pleading eyes.

"Okay." Tom gave in. He got out of bed and made his way over to the draws underneath the TV in his room. He pulled out the Homecoming DVD and walked over to me as he watched me, a broad smile growing across my face and he placed it in front of me.

"Go put it in the DVD player and I'll go get popcorn." He smiled.

"Thank you." I said and before he could walk off I pulled his face down so I could place a small kiss on his lips.

"No problem, Annie." He laughed I let go of his t-shirt and he walked off.


•Tom's POV•
The movie had gone of for a while but I wasn't really paying attention. I had seen it about a million times from the amount of press meetings and comic cons plus all the times my family and friends had wanted to watch it with me. So instead, I watched Annie.

She was so focused on the TV screen and every now and then she made comments on stunts and scenes that she loved. I watched her closely as she smiled at the screen, occasionally turning around to me to asked me a question.

"Hang on, so your actually flipping off that building, like there's no stunt doubles or anything?"

We were watching the part where Spider-Man was crawling up the Washington monument.

"No yeah that's me." I chuckled. "It's not an actual building though it just a high wall indoors. The rest is cgi."

"It still incredible Tom." She smiled her soft smile that was so flippin' contagious.

There was a soft patter coming from the hallway and I sat up to see what it was. Staring at the door and seeing a head pop through I realised it was Tessa.

"Hey Tess." I smiled at her. Annie had noticed her too and she smiled at the small staffy on the floor.

"Come on Tess. Up you get." I motioned her to jump up onto the bed, tapping the space in between Annie and I.

And soon enough Tessa did, as she lay down in between us, closing her eyes.

Annie smiled as she stroked Tessa on the head before she looked back at the TV, taking another piece of pop corn out of the bowl and I chuckled at the gasp she made at the TV.

"What?" She turned her head.

"Nothing." I smiled.

It was the little things that Tom slowly came to know about Annie that brought a smile to my face. Like the fact that she played with her hair when she became nervous. Or the fact that she hummed to herself while they drove together. He loved them all about Annie and in time, he would come to know many more.


The movie came to an end and Annie was in shock at Tom's acting ability. He was incredible and she really had no idea.

"You're amazing Tom." She said to me as she leaned back onto the bed where I was already laying. I made a scoff and shook my head.

"Seriously Tom it was really good." She smiled.

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it." I spoke as I held her face in my hands.

"No Tom, I loved it." She said before she drifted off into a sleep as I continued to hold her tightly.

'No Annie, I love you.' I whispered a few minutes later when I knew she had drifted off with her head rested on my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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