Three - Again

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I walked back into my flat to see Quinn in the kitchen scribbling down something into her notebook, presumably sorting out order for new books.

"Oh my god, Quinn you'll never guess who I saw today?!" I said loudly to her and her head jolted up quickly.

"Omg who?! And how did it go?" She asked intrigued.

"I saw Tom Holland walk into the cafe I was in." I said to her still confused face.

"Who?" She said leaning back in utter confusion. She was no better at knowing about celebrity's and their lives than I was, if not worse.

"You know, the guy who plays Spider-man. Brown haired British boy, really good looking?" I said.

"Oh my god no way! Did you go up to him?" She asked interested.

"No because I saw him while I was mid conversation with Paul, my new boss by the way, we sorted out timings and I'm going to meet him in his studio on Monday morning!" I said going off topic.

"Oh my god congratulations, Ann!!" She said throwing her arms around me.

We continued talking about my new art arrangements for a while before I started to continue the current art piece I was working on. I spent the rest of the day doing art. Just like every other day. As much as I love creating pieces, I can't wait to start working in a gallery displaying my pieces with a change of scene, from being cooped up in my flat all day everyday. I planned my schedule for upcoming pieces and working them around my timings at the studio, and with a few tweaks I managed to fit them in.


I woke up the next morning and it was my first day at the studio. I got dressed into a casual outfit, ready for the day.

Quinn had already left for work, however she left a note of the kitchen counter wishing me luck on my first day. Smiling at the note, I walked over to the door to slip on the same shoes I was wearing yesterday with a different bag, now being a small backpack.

Walking to the studio, I walked past the same coffee shop I entered yesterday. Looking at my watch I realised that I had just enough time to pop in a pick up a coffee, feeling as though this shop brought me a sense of luck.

When I walked in, to my disbelief I saw the same brown haired Tom Holland, standing at the counter again. Was this a frequent thing for him? Did he do this everyday? Did he think I was stalking him?

A million thoughts came into my head at the same time, but one seemed to stick. Why this cafe? Why the one I just happened to walk into the day before and again today?

It just seemed so weird to have come across the same celebrity two days in a row. I walked over to the counter to stand behind him in the queue. I waited patiently for my turn to order, feeling so awkward behind the handsome man in front of me. He requested the same drink he had asked the day before, saying "one black tea." In a deep voice.

A few awkward moments later he turned around to exit the cafe, before he saw me again, standing behind him.

"Hello, again." He said kindly with a smile. 

"Hi." I almost whispered as he walked away. 

I watched Tom leave the cafe giving him one last look before a mob of paparazzi came around him. He put his cap back on and walked out of my vision. I turned back around to face the counter and ordered my coffee before I left the cafe and made my way to the studio, thinking about what had just happened.

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